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My favourite book is “I have always dreamed of chocolate” by Trudi Birger. It is an historical book, because it talks about a true “adventure” of a woman in a lager! We can imagine this from the title… in fact this woman, who was a teenager during the second world war, loved chocolate but she could only dream about it, because as we all know the brutal conditions of the victims of a war! I also think this woman was luckier than the others who lived the same experience, because she can tell us of those years in the lager which so many people can’t do.

I have read so many books in my life but I love this kind because I can learn the history through witnesses that tell us their really sad experiences! In fact I have also read “Anna Frank’s diary” but I prefer Birger’s book, because she describes better the horrible conditions of the victims rendered by a cruel person, not crazy, just cruel! Trudi was in a lager, she had to work hard, she didn’t eat, she slept a few hours a night in a small bed with lots of other women. Instead, Anna had to live with another family hidden in a small attic, so we don’t know the lager’s conditions because when she was in the lager she didn’t write in her diary. This is why I prefer this book!   


Valentina Diecidue  4Z         





I can’t still understand,

Why do you treat me so!!

You arrived at a moment,

and then you went away in a moment.

Did you tease me?

Was it a dream?

I have to understand it.

You are unforgettable and irreplaceable,

love was born in my heart.

you talked to me,

you kissed me

you hugged me,

I was in love with you…

but you were false…

you spoilt my life!

Will I forget you?

I know that it’s impossible!




Life is a flower:

Take it.

Life is a dream:

Live it.

Life is everything:

Don’t waste it.

Life without freedom,

is like a body without spirit.

…and all comes back,

and all passes.

Also things change to live

and live to change.

                                                                            ROSY ANDOLINA 4Z


“100 colpi di spazzola prima di andare a dormire”

Lately I have read the book “100 colpi di spazzola prima di andare a dormire”. The book tells the story of Melissa an adolescent who discovers sex and she decides to explore it in all of his perversions. The book is set in an Italian city: in Catania . It was written by Melissa P. and it is a dramatic book.

     Her adventures begin when Melissa meets Daniele and she has a sex affair with him. But in reality he doesn’t love her. So Melissa comes into a dark and sinful tunnel. She goes out of this tunnel when she meets Marco who accepts her how she is.

     I have read this book in only three days. I think that this is a beautiful book and it teaches you a lot. Personally I have learnt that we mustn’t give up our body to the others because we can risk to lose for ever the most important present: our selves.

    On this book there is also the film directed by Guadagnino but personally I prefer the book. So I recommend it and I don’t recommend the film because there aren’t very important scenes.

Laura Romano IV L