Our school





Let's talk about


Stage in Oxford

Stage in London



Calcio a 5

Every year our school organizes projects, workshops and stages that put into practise what has been learned. These projects consist in choosing a theme or a subject, studying it thoroughly. We work on these projects during school hours and after school; we put on shows, have meetings, take courses and do voluntary services etc.

The last project was very interesting. It was about management, communication and marketing. Thanks to them we have an idea of what the working world is like and we gained experience through practise interviews, drafting curriculum vitae, exercises on communication within management and above all we have understood the importance of the globalization in the working field.

Furthermore, our school has organized, among other workshops, some on ceramics, dance, music, journalism, cinema, web design, sports and language courses such as Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Albanian and in particular Spanish to obtain the European language certificate, useful for university..

All these activities are very positive because they attract us and make us think about different fields.

                         Susanna, Ylenia, Beatrice IV Q

Language course in Oxford

Last September, our school organized a language course in Oxford.

It lasted one week and the students were hosted by the British families.

In the morning, they visited the city and museums. Oxford is very different from Palermo, especially regarding school organisation, culture and the way of life.

In the afternoon, the language course took place from 2 to 5 p.m. This course was divided into seven levels. After lessons, the students went back home by bus. Students had a weekly bus pass and they noticed that busses were always on time, not like Palermo – a nightmare!!!

In the evening, they went out for a walk with their school-friends who lived nearby.

The last day, students wanted to visit London, but because of a demonstration against the war in Iraq, they had to change itinerary and went to Cambridge.

In the end, I believe this language course was very important because I improved my communication skills and furthermore, these courses abroad allow us to open our minds to different things and show us what British life is really like.



                              Katia Blandino – III L


At the beginning of this year, the institute "Regina Margherita"

organized a linguistic stage in London. In this project only some pupils of the school parteciped.

The 17th of September at 10:30 we left the airport of Palermo and at 12:30 we arrived in London; we took the bus and we started our adventure to the discovery of this magnificent city: LONDON.


We were hosted in families, ours was of Spanish origin, (infact we understood them easily!) very kind and hospitable; but we weren’t the only ones to be hosted here, infact in this house was also a Japanese boy: Takajiro and a Columbian boy: Jonathan.

The same evening of our arrival with our teachers we went to Covent Garden where we saw a street player of jazz music and we walked around the district.

The day after when we got up we had breakfast and took the underground to Holborn, where the school was and took the entry test.We went to school every morning, had lunch with the packed lunch(an apple a day keeps the doctor away…) and in the afternoon we went sightseeing to see Westminster and Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, through St James’ Park where there were various birds .

We went to Piccadilly Circus and Soho: a district full of shops … many restaurants and bars .

We also visited the British Museum where we could see things that we have studied in art and history, infact for this, the things that we saw were very interesting.

Another beautiful place in London is Hyde Park where nearby was the Hard Rock Café shop, everyone’s favourite shop.

A stupendous experience of London was when we took the Catamaran Cruise on the Thames , passed under Tower Bridge , which we saw draw open, and reached Greenwich.

Another interesting place to see (because we studied it)was the Observatory and the Greenwich Meridian.


The more trasgressive, strange place of London is Camden Town; a district made only of shops and stands where you can buy unusual and strange things for guys out of the normal …and of the normality! We were a bit scared.

An unrepeatable experience was the London Eye… to see London in the evening, all illuminated was unforgettable !

Another nice experience was dinning in a typical pub where we ate fish and chips, we were all together and we had a very

Good time.


The ughest day was the day we came back, we were sad to leave London and leave our new friends.

It was an unforgettable experience ,very beautiful!

We want to return there because it is very beautiful, interesting and… we love it!!!


Valentina Matranga

Ivana Candiotta

Iolanda Vassallo




In our school there are a lot of extracurricular activities involving sports, one of these is football for girls.  For 2 years the class 3 L has participated in a national championship called "Fuoriclasse Cup ".

The class has always made the regional finals and competed at the nationals, classifying in the top ten. The first year the finals took place in Coverciano, (Tuscany) and the second year in Riccione, (Emilia Romagna). This year the team is enrolled and the girls have begun the football training.

Besides the “Fuoriclasse Cup”, we also have a women’s regional championship where different members of the various classes play together. After the football training, the team plays against other schools of Palermo and if it passes the first selection, it plays against other Sicilian school teams.

The teams practice every Friday for two hours during the school year. This activity is very important because it has given us the possibility to socialize, taught us the values of sportsmanship and helped us grow as women.




Laura Romano III L


A Multicultural School

Kiara Ganci – Giulia Gattuso – Ester Basile

For the last few years some students belonging to other ethnical groups have started to attend our school. We have interviewed a few of them on their traditions and ways of life in order to know more of their culture..

First interview

Esther: what’s your name?

Tumba: I’m Tumba

Esther: how old are you?

Tumba: I’m 15 years old

Esther: where are you from?

Tumba: I’m from Bangladesh

Esther: how long have you been living in Italy ?

Tumba: I have been in Italy for seven years, since 1997

Esther: which language do you speak in your country?

Tumba: In my country we speak Bangle

Esther: which religion do you practice in your country?

Tumba: I’m Muslim

Esther: what’s the weather like in your country?

Tumba: it’s hot

Esther: what are your main festivities?

Tumba: the typical festival is “id”, that is christmas

Esther: are there equal opportunities between men and women?

Tumba: yes there are, women are equal to men.

Esther: how many members are in your family?

Tumba: we are four people in my family

Esther: have you got any brothers or sisters?

Tumba: I have one sister and two brothers

Esther: what’s your mother’s/father’s job?

Tumba: My mother is a housewife and my father is a worker

Esther: what do you do in your free time?

Tumba: I go out with my friends

Esther: do you attend a community?

Tumba: Yes, I do

Esther: do you spend time with friends of your community?

Tumba: Yes, I do

Esther: do you have any typical food?

Tumba: we usually eat rice with chicken


Second interview

Giulia: what’s your name?

Francis: My name’s Francis

Giulia: how old are you?

Francis: I’m 15

Giulia: where are you from?

Francis: I’m from Ghana

Giulia: how long have you been living in Italy ?

Francis: I have been in Italy for two years

Giulia: which language do you speak in your country?

Francis: In my country we speak Twi

Giulia: which religion do you practice in your country?

Francis: I’m Catholic

Giulia: what’s the weather like in your country?

Francis: the weather in my country is very hot

Giulia: what are your festivals?

Francis: The typical fests are the same as yours

Giulia: are there equal opportunities between men and women?

Francis: yes, there are.

Giulia: how many members are in your family?

Francis: My family is composed of six people

Giulia: how many brothers and sisters have you got?

Francis: I have three brothers and one sister

Giulia: what’s your mother’s/father’s job?

Francis: My mother and my father are work in a factory

Giulia: what do you do in your free time?

Francis: I play football

Giulia: do you  attend a community?

Francis: Yes, I do

Giulia: do you spend time with friends of your community?

Francis: Yes, I do

Giulia: do you have any typical food?

Francis: yes, I have. The typical food is Fufu


Third interview

Kiara: what’s your name?

Plagida: My name is Plagida

Kiara: how old are you?

Plagida: I’m 17 years old

Kiara: where are you from?

Plagida: I’m from Sri Lanka

Kiara: how long have you been living in Italy ?

Plagida: I have been in Italy for six years

Kiara: which language do you speak in your country?

Plagida: In my country we speak Tamil and Hindi

Kiara: which religion do you practice in your country?

Plagida: The religion is Hindu, Catholic and Buddhist

Kiara: what’s the weather like in your country?

Plagida: the weather is warm

Kiara: what are your festivals?

Plagida: a typical fest is Tipavali


Kiara: are there equal opportunities between men and women?

Plagida: no there aren’t. women aren’t equal to men because they are subdued

Kiara: how many members are in your family?

Plagida: We are five people

Kiara: how many brothers or sisters have you got?

Plagida: I have two sisters

Kiara: what’s your mother’s/father’s job?

Plagida: My mother is a housewife and my father works in a shop

Kiara: what do you do in your free time?

Plagida: I go out with my friends and I use the pc

Kiara: do you go to a  community?

Plagida: Yes I do

Kiara: do you spend time with friends of your community?

Plagida: Yes I do

Kiara: do you have any typical food?

Plagida: the typical food is rice and meat




General Information


Scuola Media Superiore

Liceo Regina Margherita

Piazzetta S.S. Salvatore 1

90134 Palermo, Italy


Headmistress: Concetta Guagenti

Vice-headmistress: Vincenza Caleca




 In our school there are 5 different courses we can choose at the beginning of our path: the language course,the music course, the psycho-pedagogical course (where you can study subjects like psychology,pedagogy and similar), the social science course (similar to the psycho-pedagogical one), and the language business school.Every course lasts five years.

Our school is divided into several buildings located in different areas of the town:

the Central, the Origlione, the Protonotaro,the Via Guzzetta, the via Pindemonte and the Via Bari building.

 School Semester. 

  • Our school year is divided into 2 periods of 4 months each. These periods are from September (when school begins) to January and from February to June (when school ends)
  • During each period we have to study the subjects in our timetable. We can’t choose our subjects, nor the timetable. It’s the school that decides.
  • Our lessons last 50 minutes (but we call these “hours”); all of them last the whole year. We have seven courses per day, from Monday to Friday.
  • We have a marks system that we use to evaluate the students. It goes from number 1 (which means “very bad”) to number 10 (which means “very good”).
  • At the end of each 4 months period every student receive a report. To pass a year a pupil has got to have at least 6 (which means “sufficient”) for every subject. 
  • At the end of the fifth year we have to take an examination,in which we must present a research on a specific topic,and we must  talk about it to the teachers. If we pass this exam,we take a graduation,which will allow us to attend university.


 In our school you can roughly study these subjects:

Italian literature, English, French, Spanish or German (these last two just in the language course), Maths, Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomical geography), Latin, History and Philosophy, Art history.

Besides, during the first two years, other subjects are studied, but they are replaced by specific subjects in every course,during the last 3 years; the replaced subjects are:

law and economy and geography. 


 Christmas holiday: 23-12     7-01

Easter holiday: 14    17-04

 Summer holiday: 10-06    21-09


All saints’ day : 1-11

St Mary’s day :  8-12

Carnival : it changes every year. It is usually between february and march.

Women’s day : 8-3

Independence day : 25-4 

Workers’ day : 1-5 

Republic’s day : 2-6


Cecilia Settineri IV L

Alessandra Dellutri IV L