Saint Antonio


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The Patron Saint of Valledolmo ( a small town in the centre of Sicily ) is Saint Antonio of Padova, because he passed from there and he is the paitron of this small city. Up until thirty years ago the patronaly feast was celebrated the first Sunday of September, but, being there were many emigrants who could only come in summer to visit the town, it was moved to the date 18th August. For the feast, the town is embellished with lights in the principal street ”LA PIAZZA”. In the night there are musical performances, theatre, cabaret and discos.

The 18th August at 6 a.m there is the “ALBORATA” – fire crackers are launched to awake the town - at 9 a.m the musical band Vincenzo Bellini, plays along the streets, and 11 a.m there is the Mass in Mother Church . At 6 p.m Holy Mass is celebrated outside the church. After this service the procession of Saint Antonio starts, and a lot of people take part in it every year. In the evening the town band gives a symphonic concert and this day ends with the fireworks at the  “BEVAIO”. Usually singers come and give concerts, too till the 19th August.