Our strange trip Floriana Russo
Annalisa Mazzola
trip to Segesta A. Rahim
Do you know when a trip starts in a strange way and you start to think:
<<Oh my God! and now? what will happen this week?!>>.
you’ll now understand what a funny day we spent!!!
Our travels started on
when not just two, but three airplanes took us from
- Milan-Linate - Milan-Malpensa.
Only three adjectives can describe our feelings, mine and that of my travelling
companions: Excited, happy and curious to visit a state about who we knew very
It was the “Comenius project” that gave
us the possibility to spend one pleasant week in company of teenagers coming
from different parts of Europe, that ’s to say: Romania, Spain, Turkey ,Czech
Republic, Finland, Germany and, of course, Italy.
It was very good to stay all together without any prejudice and talking about
lots of things, expressing our thoughts, comparing our uses and customs,
enjoying ourselves, thanks to the use of an only language: English!.
We spent our week having parties, going out shopping, singing our typical songs,
going out for walks through very big and green parks and learning and dancing
typical Polish dances, but we also worked on the project: “Our spare time”,
trying to compare our lives and our free time.
We had the possibility to go to the Cracow, a very wonderful city rich of
magnificent monuments and very large plazas, and visiting: “Wawel” a castle
with enormous rooms that was the residence of Polish rulers from the mid XI to
the early XVII centuries, a structure that incorporates Romansesque fragments
and considerable Gothic parts, that acquired its present form during the reign
of the kings Alexander and Sigismund I the Old of the Jogiellonian dynasty. It
was great know a state about we knew very little!.
To spend this week in
was very good because it’s a very good place: not only for its for all we saw
but also for its typical dishes but
above all for the people that live there!.
They were very hospitable and very nice with us, hosting us in a warm way or
organizing deilightful evenings with the families and in the company of the
teachers Besides all, personally, I had a great experience with the family who
hosted me!.
…One month has already passed but it’s still good to continue to remember
the days spent there and continue to have news from all the guys that we knew
there, Yes! because this experiences gave us the possibility to start new
Floriana Russo V L

The Comenius group
in Poland
In Semianowiceslaskie we saw the television studio and the planetarium. The
girl who gave me hospitality is called Aga. She’s a very nice girl and her
family was also very nice. I considered her like a little sister because we were
always together and we enjoyed ourselves very much!
to this project I met a lot of people about of all European countries. The only
thing that I didn’t like was the weather which was too cold for me! Annalisa
Mazzola - IV M
trip to Segesta Friday
23th of November 2007, was a beautiful sunny day and we decided to go
on a trip to Segesta. The trip was organized by our English teacher,
Prof. Macaluso in honor of our Finnish friend Antti. We
were about forty students and two teachers. We left in the morning at
half past eight from Piazza Indipendenza and we went by coach. During
the journey everybody tried not to get bored, so somebody sang, some
played guitar and some also slept. At
about 10 o'clock we arrived in a little town called Erice.
Unfortunately it was very cloudy and windy but it did not get us
disheartened and we took Antti to visit the little town. Erice was
deserted, there wasn't anyone around and it was like a "ghost
town" and we had a great idea, we decided to shoot a filmstrip
with Antti and it was really funny. After
visiting "the ghost town" we went to Segesta. It was about
midday and we were very hungry so we decided to stop in a beautiful
area, where we had lunch. Everybody ate what they found in their
bags, chips, sandwiches, bread, chocolates coke and I only ate bread
with cheese (it was disgusting). After the lunch break we bought
tickets to visit the beautiful temple of Segesta at the top of the
mountains. When we arrived there, it was a big surprise, because I
have never seen anything like that in my whole life, a big
amphitheatre in the middle of the mountains. At
about 3 o'clock we started preparing to come back home. Everybody was
exhausted because we had to walk a long way. While
we were returning we were very tired so we slept for the whole
journey. Finally
at 5 o'clock we arrived in Palermo. It
was a wonderful trip, everybody enjoyed it very much, also Antti
enjoyed it a lot. He said we are his Italian best friends and I am
his "Indian brother". We have to thank Antti for this
trip. I
think we should take trips like that more often, but unfortunately
without Antti because he has left for Finland. We all hope to meet
him again in a near
the 16th to 22nd of April, Liliana, Valerio and I went to
with our Comenius teacher Grace Macaluso and our headmaster Concetta Guagenti
thanks to the COMENIUS project. In reality, at the beginning, I was afraid
because I didn’t know much about the village, the family who should host me or
the other guys of Comenius group, but when I meet them and my host family, I
understood it should be a fantastic week. We meet the Polish students: Patruk,
Seweryn, Aleksandra, Oliwia, Patrycia and Piotr; the finish: Mira and Tiia (who
came to Palermo last May, when the meeting took place at our school), Isa, Anne,
Jaune, Jari, Niina, Riina, Anna, Maria, Ville, Pauli, Emmi, Paula, Sampo and
Taru; the German students: Niko and Miriam; the Spanish: Fatima, Cristina,
Marcos and Mercedes; the Turkish girls: Kubra and Ebru and the girls from the
Czech Republic: Marketa and Pavlina.
was a fantastic week: we got to know a new culture like Finnish, or should I say
the Lappish culture. It is very different from our culture and there are a lot
of differences. For example in Ivalo there aren’t any big buildings or
condominiums like in
but they have individual houses like the cottages. In Ivalo there was snow,
even in spring, when we are already going to the beach. Another difference is
that they have a sauna in every house. Another difference we could notice was
that they have lunch at 11 am and dinner at 6 p.m. but in
we have lunch at 1-2pm and dinner at 8-9 pm.
this week I learnt a lot of things: for the first thing, I think I have improved
my English, in fact, staying in a family that speaks only English, gives you no
other choice if you must make yourself understood,
and secondly, I knew a new culture. That is the best part of this
project: every time girls or boys can meet and exchange knowledge of their
culture and things, I met new friends and I visited Ivalo, that in my opinion,
is a fantastic village.
Laura IV L
“Regina Margherita”school did an
interview to Judit Hölze for “Comenius” project.
year “Comenius”project has put up a German assistant linguistic…
school takes part to “Comenius” project and this year has put up Judit Hölze,a
German assistant linguistic. Judit, a few months ago came to Palermo to study
Italian and now she’s studying at an Italian University to learn teaching
Italian, art and German.
Judit! Why did you come to
“Because I take
part to European Comenius
project as linguistic assistant”
long do you stay here?
“Six months”
you ever studied Italian?
“I studied Italian
for five years in
and now I’m studying it at an Italian university”
was it in beginning?
“At first it was
very difficult because everything is different but in the end I got used to stay
you like
difficulty did you find in beginning?
is chaotic , there’s much traffic and this school has a bad organization but
with the Macaluso teacher the situation improved”
are you doing exactly in this school?
“In this school I
do German conversation to seven classes a hour a week and I attend four courses
in the afternoon ,three of languages and one of Palermo’s tourism that also
talks about art and German”
this experience help you?
“yes ,of course.
This experience helped me especially to teach”
are you going to graduate you?
“I don’t know
exactly, maybe in two years”
did you spend your Christmas holiday?
“I’m going to
spend my Christmas holiday in
,in fact I’m leaving tomorrow for
you for your collaboration.
“Thank you too”
Tomasello 4Z Antti's arrival in September 2007  Antti is a Finish boy. He is seventeen years old. He
came to Italy in 2007. He lived here for two months and he studied in
our class and he is a very calm and sincere boy. He likes studying
foreign languages. After school he did some Italian courses and he
learnt the Italian language in a few months. When he was with us he
talked about his school and he said that he studied many languages
such as French, Spanish, German, Italian and English. He speaks
English fluently and he helped our class to speak English. One day we
went on a trip with the school to Segesta and Erice. He was very
happy and he had a great time with us. The day before departing we
went to a pizzeria together as a surprise. All of my classmates got
along with him very well. We didn’t have any problems in those days
because he was very friendly with everyone.
Janipriya Mariathias