



Interview to Judit Hölze

My Finnish experience!!!

London Trip!!!

The “Regina Margherita”school  did an interview to Judit Hölze for “Comenius” project.

This year “Comenius”project has put up a German assistant linguistic…

Our school takes part to “Comenius” project and this year has put up Judit Hölze,a German assistant linguistic. Judit, a few months ago came to Palermo to study Italian and now she’s studying at an Italian University to learn teaching Italian, art and German.

Judit was our German Comenius Assistent last year 2006 07

Hi, Judit! Why did you come to Sicily ?

“Because I take part to European Comenius project as linguistic assistant”

How long do you stay here?

“Six months”

Have you ever studied Italian?

“I studied Italian for five years in Germany and now I’m studying it at an Italian university”

How was it in beginning?

“At first it was very difficult because everything is different but in the end I got used to stay here”

Do you like Sicily ?


Which difficulty did you find in beginning?

Palermo is chaotic , there’s much traffic and this school has a bad organization but with the Macaluso teacher the situation improved”

What are you doing exactly in this school?

“In this school I do German conversation to seven classes a hour a week and I attend four courses in the afternoon ,three of languages and one of Palermo’s tourism that also talks about art and German”

Did this experience help you?

“yes ,of course. This experience helped me especially to teach”

When are you going to graduate you?

“I don’t know exactly, maybe in two years”

Where did you spend your Christmas holiday?

“I’m going to spend my Christmas holiday in Germany ,in fact I’m leaving tomorrow for Germany

Thank you for your collaboration.

“Thank you too”

Tiziana Tomasello 4Z

My Finnish experience!!!

F:Moi” Maria Rita.

M: Hi Francesco

F: I’m here to ask you about your Finnish experience!!!

M: Wow!!! That’s good! Let’s start.

F: What about your Finnish family? Did you like them?

M: They were very lovely with me. It was funny to speak with them ,with my host mother, host sister, host brother there were no difficulties but with my host father sometimes there were in fact, for example he had to show me some Finnish words in the dictionary that I didn’t understand.

F: Did you like to eat reindeer meat?

M: At first not much but at the end of my stay there I did..

F: Finnish people the same food as us?

M: Finnish people eat the same as our food, but there is a difference is their meal time, for example, dinner is at 3.00 pm.

F: What about the school. Did you like it?

M: The school was very beautiful: almost all the class rooms were very comfortable, in short everything. An other thing that I liked was the canteen.

F: I’ve met Antti, and I have noticed that he was shy. Are Finnish teenagers all shy?

M: Finnish teenagers are very shy, but at the end of my stay they began to talk to me.

F: Did you stay only in Ivalo?

M: No,I didn’t. I went to Oulu, Utsjioki… In Oulu I had a meeting with the other exchange students. That was very cool, because there we played and sang . In Utsjioki I met my personal tutor and I could see the “ Northen light”. I went to Norway and Rovaniemi too.

F: Did you enjoy coming back?

M: Not too much, because I would have liked to stay there for more time but I wanted to see my family and my friends again.


London trip!!!

This year my sister participated in a project called “Leonardo Da Vinci Tour”, a financed by the European Union. Only thirty students of my institute were able to participate, in fact there was a strict selection, in which the best students were selected. Leonardo Da Vinci Programme is a very important because it offers among others the possibility to do work experience in the other European countries and therefore also to practice the language in a working context. The trip lasted three weeks: the first week the students attended a language course and the other two weeks they worked. The participants stayed in a university residence. They lived in flats, and they were independent. (They cooked and did their own laundry). In fact more than a work experience, it has also been a life experience, because students conducted an autonomous life, assuming an elevated degree of maturity and self-management.

I wanted a brief interview of a student, that has lived in first person this experience, to understand better this experience: my sister, Julia Paganelli

  • Who did you live with?

  • I lived with four girls! We became friends soon!

  • How did you get yourselves organized to buy the food, cook, wash the dishes?

  • we took turns! we often bought something when we came back after the work! We cooked only in the evening because during lunch we were at work, so we prepared some sandwiches.

  • Where did you work?

  • I worked in an import export agency, in which I put in order documents, I calculated VAT and I checked cashes and checks.

  • What was your first impression?

  • Initially I was a bit lost because I didn't understand many specific terms of the sector and also because I worked with unknown people. Despite everything I soon adapted and I could communicate easily with my manager and my colleagues , learning an appropriate language in my department.

  • Has this experience been important?

  • Yes, of course! I have learnt many new things and I think that they will be very important for my future work.

  • What have you learnt?

  • I have learnt to be more independent, I have improved my linguistic and communicative competences, I have practiced some business calculations.

  • Would you refer this experience?

  • Yes, of course!

  • Did you have time to visit the city?

  • Yes, I did. I visited many beautiful places, such us Piccadilly Circus, London Eye, Notting Hill, China town….etc….and I now can say to know London quite well and can easily move in the city.