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When I go to a party, I like to play the Bottle game!

Everyone sits down in a circle and place a bottle in the centre. The bottle must spin around on the floor and when it stops, the person its  neck points to is the chosen one. He can choose to express “Obligation or truth?!” if he chooses “obligation”, we oblige him to do a punishment, but if he chooses “truth”, we ask him a question and he MUST say the truth – whatever it may be.  

There are many different punishments: slaps, pinches, kisses, hugs, ect.  This game is very funny and I enjoy it!


Giulia Paganelli 3°Z


Party Games

 When  I go to parties with my friends, we enjoy playing many games, such as the bottle game, hot potatoes…and MUSICAL  CHAIRS (that I like very much).

The object of the game is to have one last player remain standing without a chair to sit on.

You must place one chair less than the number of the players (for exemple: if the players are 20, the chairs must be 19….)

Then the players begin dancing and when the music stops every participant must sit down one of the chairs in the circle.

The player that is left standing, goes out of the game.

The game continues and each time a chair must be taken away.

At the end two players and one chair…will remain. The player that has quicker reflexes and succeeds to sit down on the last chair … WINS!!! 



                                                                              Maria Cristina Traina 3Z


Scopone and scopa

Card games that we play during parties is  scopone and scopa. It is an Italian game. The principles are fairly simple but to play it well requires skill and a good memory. Scopone is closely related to the popular game scopa. Scopone is played by 4 players, two against two, in fixed partnerships. It is an anticlockwise play. An Italian deck of 40 cards is used, often there is the Neapolitan pattern with the swords, clubs, cups and coins or there is also the Sicilian version. Each card has a value. The game starts with the dealer giving 3 cards face down to each player, and then four face up in the centre of the table. When the deal has been correctly completed and players look at their hands, the game begins.

The first player must match one of his/her cards with one that is on the table (ex. A player’s 5 with a 5 on the table or summing up a 2 and a 3 from the table). The cards that are picked up by the player must be turned upside down in front of him/her.

The aim of the game consists in collecting as many cards as possible and therefore counting the points at the end of the hand.

In Scopone all the cards are dealt to the players and no cards are put on the table.  The aim is always the same.

This  game is very useful for playing during the Christmas holiday.


Anitha and Janipiriya

3° Z