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British girl at Regina Margherita


Hello my name is Aisy. I’m 14 years old, I go to the Regina Margherita high school , I’m English but I’ve lived in Palermo the past four years .

Since I ‘ve lived here I’ve found many differences between Italy and England .

One of the first things I noticed was the climate. The weather is better in Italy , it’s warmer and the summer seems to last longer.

I also found a big difference between the food: here in Italy almost everything is fresh.

You have a bakery nearly on every corner of the road , you can also find them in England and even though some people are starting to buy fresh bread many people just get bread of a shelf in a supermarket.

In Italy you have take-away like you do in England but in Italy you have a “chicken and chip” take-away in England you Have a fish and chip take-away.

The school are  also different . In the English schools you have to wear a uniform unlike in Italy were you have to wear an apron in the primary school . The holidays are different too: in Italy you have about  three months, in England you have only six weeks but the other holidays are longer.

The biggest difference I found was the language and I found it hard especially with the grammar but in the end I made it.