Frasi scelte dal sottoscritto, autore del sito, perchè affini al suo essere!
When you sit down to play a game is your aim to win the game or to become stronger? You probably think you can do both, but these are quite different projects.
Takemiya Masaki
U.S. Go Congress, Portland
Agosto 2008
You must incessantly question yourself about this time and this space.
Pierre Audouard
The key to attacking is to start by choosing where and what you want to gain. You will find it difficult at first to see a possible gain and how to use attack to get it. The good news is that if you can’t see how to use the weak group to get what you want, you can afford to wait. The worst case is that the opponent will eventually spend a move to reinforce the group allowing you to play a profit move, so you’re guaranteed something.
James Kerwin
(Volume 8, #77)
3 Dicembre 2007
To win baduk, you need to be less greedy. Your mind needs to remain undisturbed while attacking, defending, opening, closing, gathering, dissipating, holding and releasing stones.
Shin Ku-ji
Korean stories about baduk
By Kim Ki-tae (4 Luglio 2005)
16th century
Even if you lose all your games and finish last this tournament will still be fun.
Michael Bull
(5-dan amateur)
Go is all about thinking and feeling. Thinking wrong or having bad feelings is ok. You'll learn from it. Not thinking about the game and having no feelings at all about it is not ok. You might just as well not have played.
Dieter Verhofstadt
(2-dan amateur)
Il goban deve essere quadrato perché rappresenta la terra e i suoi angoli retti significano rettitudine. Le pietre dei due avversari sono bianche e nere. Questa differenza significa lo Ying e lo Yang; sparsi in piccoli gruppi su tutta la superficie della tavola di gioco simboleggiano i corpi celesti. Una volta espressi questi significati tocca ai giocatori fare le mosse e cio' e' espressione di regalita'. Seguire le regole - entrambi i giocatori sono assoggettati ad esse - e' il rigore del Tao.
Pan Ku
(Bān Gù - cinese: 班固 - nome di cortesia: 孟堅, Mèng Jiān)
storico del primo secolo
Go, as it were, is life in miniature. It is not a mere game.
Ministro della giustizia giapponese al tempo dello scandalo Lockheed
Go is a board game that best displays equality and freedom — it represents equality because every stone has an equal value by itself, and it expresses freedom because playing styles are unrestricted and free.
Feijun (Frank) Luo 7d
Il mio professore di go mi disse che sarei potuto diventare un giocatore mediocre, dignitosamente mediocre, a condizione di giocare almeno due ore al giorno.