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Radio gateways enable energy efficiency
eDevice has developed a new energy management service to help control and reduce electricity and water consumption
what we're doing around here
For the types of panels available today, an energy conversion efficiency of 6 to 16% is typical for most commercially-available panels, with the multiple-junction research lab cells having an efficiency of up to 30% (at a cost of 100
Energy, water efficiency earn Air Force bases awards
The awards, sponsored by the Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program, are given annually to recognize outstanding contributions toward increased energy efficiency, renewable energy and water conservation within the
The Energy Challenge
The most immediate gains could come simply by increasing energy efficiency. If efficiency gains in transportation, buildings, power transmission and other areas were doubled from the longstanding rate of 1 percent per year to 2 percent,
Energy Tip #18: Follow the speed limit
The US Department of Energy estimates that for the every 5 mph above 60, the decreased fuel efficiency is the equivalent of paying a $0.20 surcharge on each gallon. The costs can quickly add up. Let's take a look at the numbers
Unintended Disincentive?
the most valuable tranche of fuel efficiency at a much lower up-front cost premium. along with the efficiency gains they would have delivered. may be required as part of our larger response to climate change and energy security
Congressional Inaction Causes Renewable Energy Programs to Suffer
When Congress left town to stand for re-election, it left without finishing the business of funding national energy programs. building code efficiency programs -- to name just a few of the federal energy programs left by the wayside
Carl Pope: The Keystone to Energy Security
Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell has put his state on the map as the most committed in the East to renewable energy and efficiency. He's also done the best job of linking this leadership to the creation of jobs and economic development
It's been quiet lately
It also once again helps make the case for a strong economic value proposition for climate-friendly technologies and businesses -- not least of which, of course, would be technology-enabled energy efficiency, which we've discussed
Diversa Gains EPA Approval of Enzyme for Biodiesel Fuel
Diversa Corporation's Purifine enzyme has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use in increasing the efficiency of oilseed processing for the production of biodiesel fuel

Why Energy Efficiency : ENERGY STAR
Energy efficiency — delivering the same (or more) services for less energy To learn more about energy efficiency, choose from the following resources:
My Home - saving energy, saving money on home energy - EST.org.uk
Climate change explained, Home energy check, Home energy saving grants, Housing & buildings publications, Housing funding, Local energy efficiency advice
Home - InfoSource
Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency has everything you need to save energy, save money and help protect the environment while reducing
U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Home Page
US Department of Energy web site for information on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
Energy efficiency [Ministry for the Environment]
New Zealand’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000 defines energy efficiency The National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (NEECS) was

Home - InfoSource
Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency has everything you need to save energy, save money and help protect the environment while reducing
U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Home Page
US Department of Energy web site for information on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
Energy efficiency [Ministry for the Environment]
New Zealand’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000 defines energy efficiency The National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (NEECS) was
Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency
The mission of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is to strengthen America's energy security, environmental quality, and economic
Idaho Power - Energy Center - Energy Efficiency - Energy
Large commercial and industrial customers may receive a financial incentive of up to $100000 for modifying and improving the energy efficiency of an
EERE: Bookmark Update
Formerly known as the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN), the site is now US DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).
Rebates & Services
Express Efficiency is a non-residential retrofit program to help customers earn cash back for making energy-efficiency improvements that help reduce
Energy Efficiency - Energy At Home - Georgia Power
Learn how to use energy wisely with our Energy Efficiency Guide (PDF 261KB). To learn more energy efficiency tips, use our energy calculator and much
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