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Signs of the Economic Apocalypse, 11-6-06
Oil is dropping in reaction to a number of reports indicating an economic slowdown. Residential construction and the increase in imports were the two largest forces may not have enough stuff, especially fuel, to get out of Iraq.
Via Negativa endorsement: kiss of death?
To protect our environment, our economy, and our national security, we have to change our priorities. The result will be fuel scarcity and escalating prices, reduce accidents, and increase the speed of freight delivery.
How To Increase Your Fuel Economy And Save Money By Using Cruise
It may not be the vacation you imagined, but recent tests have shown that using the cruise control function on your car can help you reduce your fuel expenses. Cruise control ensures that a driver maintains a common, steady speed while
driving a wedge in emissions growth
Double the fuel economy of 2 billion cars worldwide from 30 mpg to 60 mpg; Cut electricity use in all homes, offices, and stores by 25 percent; Replace 1400 large coal-fired power plants with gas-fired plants; Increase solar power
AUR#783 Nov 1 Nuclear Fuel Program; Ukraine Sells
The program of qualification of nuclear fuel was working in Ukraine at the pressure Ukraine, which rejected an increase in prices. with you as a real factor in the economy, or are there problems? [Boholyubov] I can tell you what
From Nada to Neo
The American economy did flourish under the Reagan administration. the financial recession of the late 70s and the fuel crisis dealing with OPEC. Clearly, the increase in the economy is visualized in Carpenter's They Live with
Cleaning Bird Poop Off Your Car Will Increase Gas Mileage
Considering that frequently washing and waxing your car can help increase gas make your car as aerodynamic as possible in order to achieve maximum fuel economy, Granted, you might see an increase in fuel economy of roughly one
The Latest Developments On Climate Change
I think we can afford a little economic slowdown to save humanity, seems like a fair trade. In fact, wouldn't developing alternative energies and great fuel efficiencies increase jobs here in the USA? Wouldn't this also help with
Quote Of The Day
As a nation, we have to improve energy efficiency through technology, significantly increase use of hybrid engines, and speed the development of alternative fuels that will fuel our both our cars and our economy by making Tennessee's
The Energy Challenge
"We've got a $12 trillion capital investment in the world energy economy and a turn sunlight into hydrogen fuel to the inkjet-style printing of photovoltaic cells Ultimately, a big increase in government spending on basic energy

Top 10 Tips for Improving Your Fuel Economy
To improve your fuel economy, drive in the highest gear possible when you are rolled down can be even worse due to the increase of drag on the vehicle.
Directory:Fuel Efficiency - PESWiki
Non-Modification Tips for Economy. Things you can do to increase your mileage, Fuel economy, alternative fuel vehicles. Daily Fuel Economy Tip
Questions and Answers on Fuel Economy
A number of automakers have pledged to build more efficient automobiles, but these promises result in approximately a 5 percent increase in the fuel economy
Fuel economy in automobiles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1 Energy content of fuel; 2 Units; 3 Measurement cycles; 4 Consumer ability to increase fuel efficiency; 5 Gas Guzzler Tax; 6 Fuel economy-boosting
Tips on Improving Gas Mileage & Saving Money
Not only will replacing a dirty air filter improve fuel economy, it will protect the engine. Clogged filters can cause up to a 10 percent increase in fuel

Questions and Answers on Fuel Economy
A number of automakers have pledged to build more efficient automobiles, but these promises result in approximately a 5 percent increase in the fuel economy
Fuel economy in automobiles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1 Energy content of fuel; 2 Units; 3 Measurement cycles; 4 Consumer ability to increase fuel efficiency; 5 Gas Guzzler Tax; 6 Fuel economy-boosting
Tips on Improving Gas Mileage & Saving Money
Not only will replacing a dirty air filter improve fuel economy, it will protect the engine. Clogged filters can cause up to a 10 percent increase in fuel
CanadianDriver: Auto Tech - How to increase fuel economy
CanadianDriver is Canada's online automotive magazine, the source for automotive information in Canada - a comprehensive information resource for Canadian
SpiralMax(r) Fuel Economy - Horsepower - Supercharge - Turbo - Air
better fuel mileage, how to get better fuel economy, get better fuel mileage, better fuel mileage, better fuel efficiency, increase horse power for your car
NET.org >> The Facts About Raising Automobile Fuel Economy
We have the technology to increase fuel economy without compromising safety or performance. More efficient engines and transmissions,
Acetone In Fuel Said to Increase Mileage
Acetone In Fuel Said to Increase Mileage Fuel Economy > Acetone as a Fuel Additive - project index at PESWiki for reporting data from actual road tests
Ford Motor Company - Featured Story - Ford Ecodriving Tips Can
The following ECOdriving tips can increase fuel economy by up to 25 percent. Under inflated tires increase rolling resistance and reduce fuel economy.
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