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Briefly noted
Players plug in to region; Emphasis on alternative energy technologies draws the business incubator building on the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute campus. who is in the early stages of building his alternative energy company,
The Energy Challenge
The challenge is all the more daunting because research into energy Jacoby, a climate and energy expert at the Massachusetts Institute of While private investors and entrepreneurs are jumping into alternative energy projects,
Monday's political round-up
Richards, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. to Democrat Dina Titus, citing Gibbons' opposition to alternative energy. Bergland praised Titus' pledge to hold a renewable energy summit within the
A Tidal Wave Of Power ?
Jeff Sanford at Canadian Business Online says that peak oil isn't dead yet (and refers to Bill Clinton's excellent address to the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies recently) - via Energy Bulletin. So that's it, then.
Media Matters Latest, November 06, 2006
LA Times labeled Sweeney "an economy and energy expert," failed to note intent of creating a $4 billion fund to promote alternative energy vehicles, fuels, the oil industry's trade association, the American Petroleum Institute .
The Democrats do Have a Plan
to fix the alternative minimum tax, which is hitting more middle-income families. institute screening of all cargo containers entering the country and encourage alternative energy production; renew the push for expanded stem
Ethanol and Immorality
In all fairness, considering alternative energy’s focus in the gubernatorial race, Dutcher deserves the criticism Lester Brown of the WorldWatch Institute has stated that the amount of corn needed to generate one tank of ethanol for
Solar on way to top alternative energy sources
to run Massachusetts-based Prometheus Institute for Sustainable Development, where their primary source of energy is still biomass … in a lot of cases When they can get industrial grade energy it’s oil, coal and gasoline.
Powered by the Sun
Soaring energy demand, as well as short supplies of polysilicon, a key ingredient in most solar cells, is fueling interest in alternative materials. "These technologies look incredibly more real than they did five years ago," said Dan
LA Times labeled Sweeney "an economy and energy expert," failed to
of creating a $4 billion fund to promote alternative energy vehicles, fuels, who was labeled as "an economist and energy expert at Stanford University. the oil industry's trade association, the American Petroleum Institute.

ALA | Alternate Energy
The Alternative Energy Institute. Most of the organizations I have come across are basically trade organizations or other advocates.
Alternative Energy Institute
Alternative Energy Institute · WindEnergy.Org.
Energy TechNet: Alternative Energy Institute (AEI)
Program description: The Alternative Energy Institute (AEI) was formed in 1977 at West Texas State University, Texas, USA, as an outgrowth of wind energy
Energy Management Institute, energy training, oil, energy risk
ENERGY MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE. fleet manager, Wright Express, WEX, Alternative fuel, alternative fuels, petroleum, energy consulting, diesel, gasoline,
Alternative Energy Institute’s online resource - Details for
UFOseek directory for Alternative Energy Institute’s online resource, Alternative Energy: Alternative Energy Institute’s online resource.

Energy TechNet: Alternative Energy Institute (AEI)
Program description: The Alternative Energy Institute (AEI) was formed in 1977 at West Texas State University, Texas, USA, as an outgrowth of wind energy
Energy Management Institute, energy training, oil, energy risk
ENERGY MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE. fleet manager, Wright Express, WEX, Alternative fuel, alternative fuels, petroleum, energy consulting, diesel, gasoline,
Alternative Energy Institute’s online resource - Details for
UFOseek directory for Alternative Energy Institute’s online resource, Alternative Energy: Alternative Energy Institute’s online resource.
TEXAS Alternative Energy Institute Posts Wind Map - IREC
The Alternative Energy Institute at West Texas A&M University (AEI) has posted online its detailed wind power map for Texas.
Alternative Energy Bibliography
In-depth definitions, descriptions, and history on alternative means of energy. Geared for school and educational purposes. Alternative Energy Institute
The Environment Directory - Science:Energy:Alternative Energy
Alternative Energy Institute West Texas State University W.T. Box 248 Canyon, TX 79016 Alternative Energy Resources Organization 44 N. Last Chance Gulch
Amazon.com: "Alternative Energy Institute": Key Phrase page
Key Phrase page for Alternative Energy Institute: Books containing the phrase Alternative Energy Institute.
CELCEE - Alternative Energy
Alternative Energy Institute (n.d.). Solar Energy. http://www.altenergy.org. Retrieved September 26, 2003. (c20032729). California Energy Commission (n.d.).
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