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A Tidal Wave Of Power ?
In an effort to demonstrate the viability of alternative-fuel vehicles, JON: Did you look for any other options [to power the car] when you were building the They make hydrogen by burning some other kind of fuel, natural gas,
Honda News - Phill ‘er up! Honda Civic GX goes on sale in NY
Incentives abound for the $24590 car, with the Feds ponying up a hefty $4000 tax Natural gas fuel use as an alternative to petroleum can help promote air emission standards, as natural gas is inherently a clean burning fuel.
14 Tips for a Stress Free Flight By: Car Rental Steven Chabotte
While there are no fuel saving tips that will keep your car full of gas should switch off your car to keep fuel efficiency at its peak and not burn more gas With the increased use of alternative fuel sources such as the hydrogen
Pick of the Fuel Litter - Part 2
What is the "best" alternative fuel out of a short list of 5 choices? vehicles involve burning other fuels like coal, natural gas or diesel fuel. EVs have a bright future despite the release of "Who Killed the Electric Car?
Taking Stock: The Investor's Guide to Oil and Gas
While oil is an important petrochemical feedstock and is still the source of much In practice, he suggested, conservation and alternative fuels were not likely Occidental Petroleum Corporation OXY National Fuel Gas Company NBL
14 Tips for a Stress Free Flight By: Steven Chabotte
While there are no fuel saving tips that will keep your car full of gas without With the increased use of alternative fuel sources such as the hydrogen fuel They can be a big source of stress and great financial burden, too.
Living Green with Your Next Car
While these are cleaner burning fuels and can be generated from plant matter, About 44% of all non-diesel fuel consumed in Brazil in 2004 was ethanol. Hydrogen is definitely the most intriguing option and serious alternative to
Is Hydrogen a Practical Alternative Energy Fuel?
Hydrogen is a carrier of energy, not a source of energy. When you burn natural gas you create carbon dioxide which causes global warming. this will create less pollution then burning gasoline in a car and that probably is true.
Sports & Auto News
Alternative Fuel Autos: Technology: How Alternative Fuel Autos Work greater fuel economy or reducing America’s reliance on oil as a primary fuel source, Natural gas is clean burning and emits a very small amount of pollutants
Israel is Leader in Alternative Energy
At gas-fired electricity plants in North and South Dakota, announcing its aim to commercialize a new 100% plant-based biodiesel fuel being oil alternative is to develop a product that can be used without adapting car engines.

Green Car Journal Online - Your Source for Hybrids, Hydrogen and
As an important side benefit, most alternative fuels burn cleaner than gasoline conversions of gasoline engines to operate on this clean burning fuel.
Green Car Journal Online - Your Source for Hybrids, Hydrogen and
Information on electric, hybrid electric, and natural gas vehicles, Program that supports clean burning alternative fuel vehicle's and provides
Clean Car Maps: The Primary Information Source for Clean Fuel Stations
Clean Car Maps provides alternative fuel vehicle drivers with maps, Natural gas is one of the cleanest burning alternative fuels available and offers a
ALTERNATIVE ENERGY BLOG - Solar-Energy-Wind-Power.com
Now with natural gas prices rising steeply, U.S. power utilities are expected to build As the Engineer Poet points out in this post, burning fuel for
Auto Emissions Fact Sheet
If it is black, there is too much gas in the mixture and the fuel injection system needs to be checked. If the exhaust is blue, the car is burning oil and

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY BLOG Solar-Energy-Wind-Power.com
Now with natural gas prices rising steeply, U.S. power utilities are expected to build As the Engineer Poet poin out in this post, burning fuel for
Auto Emissions Fact Sheet
If it is there is too much gas in the mixture and the fuel injection system needs to be checked. If the exhaust is blue, the car is burning oil and
Green Car Congress: Air Force Flight Test of Syntroleum Gas-to
After going through the testing at Edwards, the alternative fuel left in the bomber’s fuel so cleaner-burning jet fuel might accelerate global warming.
ALTERNATIVE ENERGY: The ethanol bandwagon
"We felt we should talk about the number of alternative-fuel automobiles on the road, with the price of gas being a concern to consumers and the increased
alternative fuel: Information from Answers.com
alternative fuel Alternative fuel , also wn as non-conventional fuels, than burning oil directly in car engines (due to efficiencies of scale).
Alternative Fuel Vehicles : Automotive News
Prices at the pump are driving more car buyers to look into electricity as an alternative fuel source. This summer, oil and gas prices surged to new highs.
Water as an alternative fuel source [Archive] Ubuntu Forums
[Archive] Water as an alternative fuel source Education & Science. But you can fill up the car's tank with this gas in a minute while it takes a lot
Hydrogen (29-Oct-2006)
Hydrogen can be used as a fuel directly in an internal combustion engine not The car can also burn gasoline. BMW built a small fleet of these cars and
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