Nordland I







Land of unforgiving winter

cold clad in white under a dark grey sky

silent the wind it whispers

pale sun of gold gazing from far up high


Endless forests lakes of water dark and deep

Misty mountains where giants sleep




High above all the ravens

spreading their wings to fly to the hall up high

messengers of the all father

Oden behold all with his one eye


Eagle soaring old crow cries

this land and heaven forever tied




Cold the waves along the shoreline

white wolves realm from here to mountains high afar

land of ours since it rose out of deep cold sea

shine on our path yee brightest of all Northstar


Foreverdark woods cold winds sweep

barren landscape untamed and bleak







All male nine by nine hanging gently swaying in the wind

the bark of ash absorbing the splattered heaps of blood

for the return of the sun a winter sacrifice

ox, dog, horse, sheep and slave all offered to the gods


The dusk of grey keeps falling upon the landscape bleak

while gently still the bodies' sway hanging in god's tree

the ring of torches lighting up the heath a ghostly shine

the mighty ash unites the earth with sky for all time


The golden mead flows freely chant of the sun is sung

the runes are read out loud and clear midwinter night is long

lightgiving disc shall fill the sky once more in all its span

the vinterblot a reawakening. Heil Nordland



Dragons Breath


Ride the Dragon's breath mist of poison green

come yee flames a burning death face the unseen

deep within the cave lit up by the torch a pale gleam

as told of in the ancient tales the Sword of gold and steel


Eyes of ember fangs and claws

creature of fire

jaws of death walk through the haze

crimson and dire


Engulfed in mist the Sword on Gods

onwards son and ride the Dragon's breath


Struck from mountain ore chilled in morning dew

forged by hands of Gods when the world was young this land anew

blade of shining steel grip covered in gold

carved into its blade the legend untold


Eyes of ember fangs and claws

creature of fire

jaws of death walk through the haze

crimson and dire


Gods in the sky the Sword is mine

untouched I am by the mist of the Dragon's breath



Ring Of Gold


Silver the moon high over pond of water calm and dark

woe, mist the breath of the dragon sweeping down mountain side

all still the day asleep the sun rests in nest of the Gods

afar high adventures await me I hear my brothers calling


Spring is here and the ice breaks free

the endless sky and open seas

I will sail where the Raven will lead me

fly on black wings high and free

I shall return with the wind the day

from high adventures swelling sail

autumn red comes to Asa bay


Meet me by the well where the water crystal clear flows free

from deep within the great mountain towering to the sky

I will be awaiting you coming down treading the trail of elves

bare feet let your hair down like the mist across the pond


In dawn of time before gods and men

when earth and sky was first divided

a star did fall into river deep

a star of gold into silvery water

while I sail by this you shall remember me

wear it yours forever to keep

to bind us beyond end of time to thee I give a ring of gold



Foreverdark Woods


Evening is falling all still around me

the old crow is calling but the landscape is at peace

down the trail through the forest through thicket we ride

the unseen is watching from behind each stone and pine


Slowly the golden disc of the sun is setting

beyond the rim of Nordland at the end of long day

slowly the ominous dark descend upon all

engulfing all land and heaven and the shore of Asa bay


Here lies the bones of our fathers long gone

deep in the soil of these woods

among these great trunks legends were born

here many great battles stood


Trotting the trail my stallion cautious

present the spirits of foreverdark woods


We rest by the fire the shadows come to life by its light

three brothers sons of white wolf observed by the eyes of the night

Night is long where the sunlight is pale

the fear is strong when you ride in the dawn

down foreverdark woods trail


Heavy the turf bone meal and blood

raise high you pine towards sky

firm in the soil tree trunks of gods

like dragon ship masts straight and high


Reaching the glade ride on to Asa bay

watched by the spirits of foreverdark woods



Broken Sword


A veil of mist a foreign coast

the calm before their battle cry

steel drawn the line of shields must hold

through mist the first arrow it flies



hold firm the line in battle


Shoulder by shoulder brothers at side

we may stand victorious or fall

this fine day a fine day to die

we shall fight and may die by sword


Cutting through flesh and bone your sword

my brother, our father taught you well

but from behind the unseen blow

mortally wounded down you fell



hold firm the line in battle


Shoulder by shoulder brothers at side

silent by my side you did fall

this was a fine day a fine day to die

brother, I'll keep your broken sword





Great Halls Awaits A Fallen Brother


Brother we did cross the raging sea

our fathers has watched our trail for long

battles many we fought side by side

through foreverdark woods we did ride


Now your journey has reached the end of its trail

for today was a fine day to die

we shall meet again in great hall in the sky

and shall be until the end of time


We shall meet again in great hall in the sky

and shall be until the end of time


Sailing the wind was strong against your face

fighting great battles we did win

offering the vinterblot a sacrifice

open wide the gates to let you in


Brother mine in battle beaten not slain

hall up high awaits you come eternal life

stricken down oh brother this was your day

rest you now we will meet again


Stricken down oh brother this was your day

rest you now we will meet again


Close your eyes lay still no more pain

washed away your blood a gentle rain

the blood shed is blood of mine


Flames your pyre reaching high in the night

sound the horn of bronze it is time

goddess of warriors to call


Rise and stand my brother whole again a man

walk down golden aisle in hall up high

take your seat raise your cup eternal life

forever a Northern son


It is told ancient tales

a great hall awaits a fallen brother



Mother Earth Father Thunder


By lightning conceived was I

the stars above became my eyes

Hvergelmer flows in my veins

my hair the mist across the never ending nameless lake


By womb of soil the moist of dew

born when the sun was high the day was new

and the raven soared high up in the clear sky

the land will speak to you when your heart is pure

and you were made by


Mother Earth Father Thunder


This heart winged I am eagles son

through storm and spite untouched it is pounding on

this sword forged in fire and ice

the runes that trail its blade can be seen but by my two eyes


As if written in the snow the lies shall melt again

by the wheel of sun to cross the sky this day

shadows may lay heavy upon the earth

but the truth cut deep in stone will last

till the heavens comes tumbling down upon this world


Mother Earth Father Thunder



