Here my third (and very recent) interview to Quorthon


Mitsu: Mr. Quorthon! how are you? now the month of March is near! BATHORY has now 20 years! congratulations! will you release some commemorative stuffs for this great event? 4 example a compilation, a new video or something similar. I had still some questions for you, but if you are too busy because you have to reply to other BATHORY's fan letters I will mail you when you will be more free.

Quorthon: Hi again Mitsu!
Our server in Australia broke down last week and virtually 50% of all emails since early December are lost. If you have sent us an email in the last week or two that remains unanswered, I am afraid it's gone and irretrievable.

About commemorative stuffs...No video since we don't have any video material to release. We have been too busy with NORDLAND I and NORDLAND II, plus the re-mastered classic vinyl, to have had any time left to plan for anything more for the 20th anniversary.

Mitsu: You told that you're working for the BATHORY official website, isn't it?

Quorthon: I am not working on a BATHORY web site, I have said that we're thinking about it.

Mitsu: You told me that the video of "One rode to asa bay" was never released officially, but I've read on a site that it was released on a promotional disc (or something similar, I don't remember) with also a radio interview to you and it could be viewed only with a specific software.

Quorthon: Don't believe even half of what you read on a web site unless it's an official site. ONE RODE TO ASA BAY was never released. All copies that circulates are taped from MTV in 1990. The disc you are referring to is a bootleg produced in Brazil and it's all a fake. The interview you mention on this disc, is not a radio interview but an interview copied from MTV Headbangers Ball broadcasted in 1994 sometime.

Mitsu: I've heard also rumours about a completely white vinyl of "The Return...". Where it was released and when?

Quorthon: If there ever was one out there, then it's a fake and a bootleg. However, Black Mark and BATHORY will release re-mastered and enhanced LP format of 666-1, 666-2, 666-3, 666-4, 666-5 and 666-6 on ice clear vinyl in a months time to celebrate BATHORY's 20th anniversary. The rest of the albums will come later in the year. Please take a look at for more info on that.

Mitsu: Who is Chris Dudek? Some people said that it was the drummer of the album "Under The Sign", other said that he is a long-time member of the band (I don't believe it). Is he swedish or german?

Quorthon: Chris Dudek is Christian Dudek alias Witchhunter, drummer of German band Sodom. He was never a member of BATHORY but spent almost a week in Stockholm where I jammed with him.

Mitsu: I've heard that there are two versions of the album "Hammerheart". the difference is in the cover's colors. One of these is very rare. How is its value now? They were produced both by BLACK MARK?

Quorthon: There is only one original version of the HAMMERHEART LP made by Black Mark in 1987. However, two short time distributors made identical versions but with their own tag on the obverse of the cover and with their own label. They were Under One Flag (UK) in 1988 and New Renaissance (USA) in 1989. I am sure there might be a slight variation in colour balance, but the films/motive used are identical, so is the material on the LP's.

Mitsu: How many versions of the song "The Return Of The Darkness And Evil" exist?

Quorthon: One version redcorded in January 1984 available on the "SCANDINAVIAN METAL ATTACK compilation album released in May 1984. A second version available on the THE RETURN OF THE DARKNESS AND EVIL album recorded in February 1985 and released in May 1985.

Mitsu: There are still some BATHORY's old unreleased material? If yes, you will release it in the future?

Quorthon: Of course there is plenty of tapes in the vault containing material still not released. But we have no imminent plans to release any of that now. Perhaps when BATHORY is no more...

Mitsu: You will reveal your true name in the future? Or you did it in the past? I've read your name on a site (it's too strange, I can't remember it), but I don't know if it is true.

Quorthon: I have never revealed the name and will not do it for as long as people continue to ask for it or bother about something as irrelevant. I know of fanzines, magazines, webzines and even books that have tried to present my name, but nobody has ever even been close. I wonder why people even bother. I mean, if I say Jean Goldberg you wouldn't know who the hell I'm talking about, but if I say Pamela Anderson you know perfectly well who I'm referring to since that is the name by which she is known.

Mitsu: Thank you very much! congratulations for the 20 years of the band! BYE!!

Quorthon: Hail the Hordes.