// Libreria JS_FMLIB.TXT // Location D:\INETPUB\WWROOT // é referenziato da equestrian, fiseaa, fisevda, ipms(3) ecc // // includila nella // // ecc // // La libreria è organizzata in: A) Funzioni specifiche del sito es IPMS // B) Funzioni generali // Tutte le funzioni devono iniziare con L_ Tienile in ordine albabetico //_____________________________________________________________ // FUNZIONI SPECIFICHE DI IPMS (ex IPMSLIB.JS) function L_CLASSE(valu) { var nc =' '; if (valu > 0 && valu < 60) { nc='C'; } if (valu > 59 && valu < 86) { nc='B'; } if (valu > 85) { nc='A'; } return nc; } //------------------------------------------------------ function L_FORNTIPO(tipo) { if (tipo == '1') return 'Strategico'; if (tipo == '2') return 'Di Gruppo'; if (tipo == '3') return 'Normale'; return 'x ? X' ; } //------------------------------------------------------ function L_STATUS(stringa) { if (parseFloat(stringa) ==6) return 'Attivo'; if (parseFloat(stringa) ==9) return 'Ultimato'; return 'x ? x'; } //________________________________________________________ // FUNZIONI GENERALI //________________________________________________________ function L_ADDBOOKM(uurrll,titolo) { window.external.AddFavorite(uurrll,titolo); // es: Javascript:L_ADDBOOKM('http://tosnw127/IPMS','I.P.M.S.'); } //_______________________________________________________ function L_BARRA_STATO(testo) { window.status=testo; } //_______________________________________________________ function L_BISESTILE(anno) { if (anno%4==0 && anno%400!=0) return -1 else return 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- function L_CLAS(CL) { //_ copiato dalla libreria HJD var xxx=' '; if (parseInt(CL) < 9000) { return parseInt(CL);} if (parseInt(CL) == 9998) {xxx='N.P.';} if (parseInt(CL) == 9999) {xxx='Canc.';} if (parseInt(CL) == 9896) {xxx='Elim.';} if (parseInt(CL) == 9897) {xxx='Rit.';} if (parseInt(CL) == 9898) {xxx='?';} if (parseInt(CL) == 0) {xxx=' ';} return xxx; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function L_FixedBackground(url) { var backgroundset=false; // do not change, for internal use only if(!backgroundset) { document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; document.body.style.padding = '0px'; document.body.style.margin = '0px'; var overlay = document.createElement('DIV'); overlay.style.position = 'absolute'; overlay.style.top = '0px'; overlay.style.left = '0px'; overlay.style.height = '100%'; overlay.style.width = '100%'; overlay.style.overflow = 'auto'; overlay.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML; document.body.innerHTML = ''; document.body.appendChild(overlay); backgroundset=true; } else background.src=url; } //--- Prelevato ed illustrato su http://www.web-link.it //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function L_GETCOOKIE(Name) { // vedi legenda in L_SETCOOKIE var search = Name + "=" if (document.cookie.length > 0) { // if there are any cookies offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search) if (offset != -1) { // if cookie exists offset += search.length // set index of beginning of value end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset) // set index of end of cookie value if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)) } } } //_________________________________________________________ function L_GIORNO() { var xxx= ' '; var ggg = new Array("Domenica","Lunedì","Martedì","Mercoledì","Giovedì","Venerdì","Sabato"); var time = new Date(); xxx = ggg[time.getDay()] ; return xxx ; } //_________________________________________________________ function L_GIOSET(nnn) { var xxx= ' '; var ggg = new Array("Domenica","Lunedì","Martedì","Mercoledì","Giovedì","Venerdì","Sabato"); xxx = ggg[nnn] ; return xxx ; } //________________________________________________________ function L_HHMM() { // restituisce hh:mm dove HH=Ore MM=Minuti xxx=L_WriteTime(1,":") return xxx ; } //__________________________________________________________ function L_IFPP(pagina) { if (L_PP(pagina) == false) FL_WINKO(); } //__________________________________________________________ function L_LCASE(stringa) { stringa=stringa.toLowerCase(); return stringa; } //__________________________________________________________ function L_MANCANO_GIORNI(yr,m,d) { var montharray=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec") var today=new Date() var todayy=today.getYear() if (todayy < 1000) todayy+=1900 var todaym=today.getMonth() var todayd=today.getDate() var todaystring=montharray[todaym]+" "+todayd+", "+todayy var futurestring=montharray[m-1]+" "+d+", "+yr var difference=(Math.round((Date.parse(futurestring)-Date.parse(todaystring))/(24*60*60*1000))*1) return difference; } //_________________________________________________________ function L_MAKEARRAY() { var lngth = L_MAKEARRAY.arguments.length; var L_I = 0; for ( L_I = 0 ; L_I 1) { alert("Troppi punti decimali nel campo "+campo); return (false); } return (true); } //___________________________________________________________ function L_NUMGIORNIMESE(m,a) { // m da 1 a 12 if (m==2) { if (L_BISESTILE(a)) return 28; else return 29; } if (m==4 || m==6 || m==9 || m==11) return 30; return 31; } //___________________________________________________________ function L_OGGI1() { var time = new Date(); var rrcc=' '; rrcc=time.getDate(); rrcc=rrcc + ' ' + L_MESE3(time.getMonth()+1) + ' ' + time.getYear() ; return rrcc ; } //___________________________________________________________ function L_PICV(flus,fit,max) { // es: onClick="L_PICV(this.src)" | onClick="L_PICV('nomeimg.jpg','YES',?YES')" // La foto g // questa chiamata usa i form PICV.asp e PICVE.asp //alert(arguments.length) ; // num di argomenti var wfit = "YES" ; var wmax = "YES" ; if (arguments.length == 3) { wfit = fit ; wmax = max ; } if ((wfit != "YES") && (wfit !="NO")) { wfit = "YES"; } if ((wmax != "YES") && (wmax !="NO")) { wmax = "YES"; } var ppp="picv.asp?img="+flus +"&fit=" + wfit +"&max=" + wmax ; var attributi = ""; if (wfit == "YES") { attributi = attributi +"resizable=no,scrollbars=no" } window.open(ppp,"",attributi); } //___________________________________________________________ function L_PP(stringa) { // cerca la stringa se in document.referrer var l_i = 0 ; var xxx = false ; var ppn= ' ' ; ppn = document.referrer ; ppn = ppn.toUpperCase() ; stringa=stringa.toUpperCase(); for (var l_i=0; l_i= 12) { AMorPM = "PM"; whichHour = whichHour - 12; } else AMorPM = "AM"; if (whichHour < 1) {whichHour = 12;} if (whichSecond < 10) {whichSecond = "" + "0" + whichSecond;} if (whichMinute < 10) {whichMinute = "" + "0" + whichMinute;} if (m==0) {xxx=whichHour + sep + whichMinute + sep + whichSecond + " " + AMorPM;} if (m==1) {xxx=dateNow.getHours() + sep + whichMinute + sep + whichSecond;} if (m==2) {xxx=milHour + whichMinute + " hours";} return xxx ; } //___________________________________________________________ function L_WriteDate(m,sep) { // m=tipo formattazione sep=carattere separatore // esempio L_WriteDate(4,"-") ottiene 18-2-2003 dateNow = new Date(); whichDay = L_GIOSET(dateNow.getDay()); whichMonth = L_MESE(dateNow.getMonth()+1); whichDate = dateNow.getDate(); whichYear = dateNow.getYear(); if (whichYear < 2000) {whichYear = whichYear + 1900;} whichYear = "" + whichYear; if (m==0) {document.writeln(whichDay + ", " + whichMonth + " " + whichDate + ", " + whichYear);} if (m==1) {document.writeln((dateNow.getMonth()+1) + sep + whichDate + sep + whichYear.substring(2,4));} if (m==2) {document.writeln(whichDate + sep + (dateNow.getMonth()+1) + sep + whichYear.substring(2,4));} if (m==3) {document.writeln((dateNow.getMonth()+1) + sep + whichDate + sep + whichYear);} if (m==4) {document.writeln(whichDate + sep + (dateNow.getMonth()+1) + sep + whichYear);} if (m==5) {document.writeln(whichDate + sep + whichMonth + sep + whichYear);} if (m==6) {document.writeln(whichDay);} if (m==7) {document.writeln(whichMonth);} if (m==8) {document.writeln(dateNow.getMonth()+1);} if (m==9) {document.writeln(whichDate);} if (m==10) {document.writeln(whichYear);} } //__________________________________________________________ function L_ZOOM(flus,ww,hh) { // esempio onClick="L_ZOOM(this.src,160,80)" // flus=picture name ww=pic width hh= pic height // Nota: Vuole la pagina __ZOOM.htm var ppp=' '; var sino="no"; var winh=0+hh; var winw=0+ww; if (hh > screen.height) { winh=(screen.height-90) sino="yes"; } if (ww > screen.width) { winw=(screen.width-45) sino="yes"; } if (sino=="yes") { winw=winw+18; } winh=winh+4; ppp="__zoom.htm?p="+flus+"&w="+ww+"&h="+hh+"&x=none"; window.open(ppp,"","resizable="+sino+",scrollbars="+sino+ ",width=" + winw + ",height=" + winh + ",top=" + parseInt((screen.height-(winh+40))/2) + ",left=" + parseInt((screen.width-winw)/2)); } //_________________________________________________________________________ function L_ZOOMRID(flus,ww,hh) { // SAREBBE DA BUTTARE ED USARE onclick L_PICV (che vuole pagine ASP) // in GID,GiaccheRosse non più usata // AITEC verif // FISEVALLEDAOSTA verif // esempio onClick="L_ZOOMRID(this.src,160,80)" RIDIMENSIONA l immagina a // flus=picture_name ww=pic_width hh=pic_height var ppp=' '; var sino="no"; var winh=0+hh; var winw=0+ww; if (hh > screen.height) { winh=(screen.height-90) sino="yes"; } if (ww > screen.width) { winw=(screen.width-45) sino="yes"; } if (sino=="yes") { winw=winw+18; } winh = winh + 4 ; ppp="__zoomrid.htm?p="+flus+"&w="+ww+"&h="+hh+"&x=none"; window.open(ppp,"","resizable=no,scrollbars=no"+ ",width=" + winw + ",height=" + winh + ",top=" + parseInt((screen.height-(winh+40))/2) + ",left=" + parseInt((screen.width-winw)/2)); //________________________________________________________ // Fine JS_FMLIB.TXT //________________________________________________________ }