Netopia Launches VDSL2 Hardware Platforms for IPTV and 3-D Reach Extreme Wi-Fi Solutions Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
PARIS----Netopia, Inc. , a market leader in broadband service assurance solutions, introduced several new hardware products at Broadband World Forum Europe in Paris today, including its VDSL2 MiAVo platform, optimized for triple-play services like IPTV, and a new 3-D Reach® Extreme high-powered wireless gateway.
FASTWEB to Deploy Thomson's Wireless VoIP Residential Gateway SYS-CON Media
FASTWEB to Deploy Thomson's Wireless VoIP Residential Gateway
Voice Over IP Chip is designed for Wi-Fi-based phones. ThomasNet
Supplied in 208-pin BGA package, AT76C902 runs VoIP SIP stack, uCLinux(TM) OS software, and firmware enabling 802.11a/g (Wi-Fi®) and voice compression and decompression on single chip. Its ARM946(TM) processor handles VoIP call control, authentication, and signaling functions, while hardware security accelerators offer on-the-fly encryption/decryption and authentication support. Wi-Fi Multimedia
FASTWEB to deploy Thomson's wireless VoIP residential gateway European Communications
Thomson has been selected by FASTWEB - Italy's second largest fixed telephony operator and the first player worldwide to develop an all IP network for Triple Play service delivery - for the deployment of multi-play services to its customers.
Danube Linux Devices
-- A highly integrated SoC (system-on-chip) based on a 32-bit 24KEc MIPS core, and integrating a VoIP co-processor, two integrated codecs, an 8/16-bit NOR/NAND controller, and an ADSL2/2+ (asymmetric digital subscriber line) transceiver supporting data rates up to 24Mbps.
Amazon.Com Adopts Pingtel's Enterprise Communications Server for Worldwide VoIP Deployment Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
WOBURN, Mass.----Pingtel Corp., the leading provider of SIP-based Enterprise Communications Systems today announced that Amazon.com has selected Pingtel's SIPxchange ECS for enterprise deployment.
VoIP becomes a mainstream technology CIOL
MUMBAI: Benefiting from the continued trend toward voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) deployments, the global VoIP monitoring/management market developed significantly over the year 2005.
WiredRed’s e/pop Web Conferencing Links the 14th Judicial Court and Lake Charles City Court to Jail for Court PR Web
City and District Court in Lake Charles, Louisiana, Replaces Expensive Hardware-based Video Conferencing System with IP-based e/pop (PRWeb Oct 9, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/dingpr.php/TG92ZS1FbXB0LUhhbGYtRmFsdS1JbnNlLVplcm8=
British companies introduce innovative and exciting new products at GITEX 2006 AME Info
A desktop plastic card printer/encoder and a quad display switch are among many exciting and innovative new products being introduced by British companies at GITEX 2006 (Gulf Information Technology Exhibition) and GULFCOMMS in Dubai from 18 to 22 November 2006.
Money-Saving Tips for College Students Evening Times
(ARA) - College is expensive, and we're not just talking about tuition.
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We sell IP Phones, VoIP adapters, Analog and Digital Gateways, VoIP Service, IP PBX software Wireless VoIP · IP-PBX / Asterisk Hardware · IP-PBX Bundles
Checklist for VoIP evaluation: ZDNet Australia: Insight
There are a large number of VoIP software programs, VoIP-enabled hardware devices, and VoIP services available. Which type of VoIP solution you choose
Demon Voice over Broadband Hardware
Voice over Broadband Hardware. We offer a range of VoIP hardware which is available for use with your Voice over Broadband service.
SIPhardware - The VOIP hardware encyclopedia
WI-FI Handsets VoIP Supported SIP Messaging 3-Way Calling Forwarding, hold, and wait More Features, In Stock, [Buy]. ↓ Plug-n-Dial Recommened Hardware
VoIP Lowdown: Hardware
If you are interested in the VoIP hardware market, here’s news for you. The hardware-software combination allows for more efficient VoIP implementations
Demon Voice over Broadband Hardware
Voice over Broadband Hardware. We offer a range of VoIP hardware which is available for use with your Voice over Broadband service.
SIPhardware - The VOIP hardware encyclopedia
WI-FI Handsets VoIP Supported SIP Messaging 3-Way Calling Forwarding, hold, and wait More Features, In Stock, [Buy]. ↓ Plug-n-Dial Recommened Hardware
VoIP Lowdown: Hardware
If you are interested in the VoIP hardware market, here’s news for you. The hardware-software combination allows for more efficient VoIP implementations
VOIP Hardware Store - VOIP, SIP, PBX, IP Telephony, Routers
VoIPHardware.com was established to serve the needs of VoIP Industry, and today we are one of the industry's top VoIP retailers. We give at most attention
Where to find VoIP Hardware - Whirlpool Broadband Forums
Where to find VoIP Hardware Before purchasing any hardware, it's best to search for feedback from other whirlpool members regarding their experiences with
VoIP Quick Tutorial on VoIP Hardware and Software - VoIPtalk
VoIP tutorial on VoIP hardware and software, free VoIP accounts, PSTN numbers, VoIP calling, and voicemail to email services with VoIPtalk UK.
OzVoIP.com - Internet Telephony Hardware and Services in Australia
Australias leading VoIP Solutions for Home, Business & Hospitality. Offering great prices and information on voip, hardware, modems, routers, switches,
Amazon.com Electronics: Telephones / Voip
Online shopping for Voip from a great selection of Electronics; Telephones, Office Electronics, Vonage, Ip Telephony, Computers & PC Hardware