Put the cell phone on hold, then try these VoIP devices Pioneer Press
I admit it: I don't have a cell phone. I want one but don't need one and can't justify the expense, so I endure stares and gasps when I confess my cell-less state at parties.
T-Mobile preparing for limited release of its cell-Wi-Fi phone by end of the year The Columbus Dispatch
NEW YORK — T-Mobile USA is set to introduce by year’s end a new breed of mobile phones that can pass live phone calls between cellular and Wi-Fi networks, a top executive said last week.
Report: Cell Phone Worms, VoIP Fraud to Grow in '07 E-Commerce Times
Cell phone worms and VoIP fraud are among the top 10 security threats to watch next year, according to a panel of experts assembled by the SANS Institute. The panel's findings were released Sunday at the SANS Network Security 2006 conference in Las Vegas. Cell phone worms will infect at least 100,000 phones in 2007, jumping from phone to phone over wireless data networks.
T-Mobile to launch next-generation phone MSNBC
T-Mobile USA is set to launch by year's end a new breed of mobile phones that can pass live phone calls between cellular and Wi-Fi networks, a top executive told The Associated Press.
T-Mobile Plans Mixed Cell-Wi-Fi Phones NewsFactor
T-Mobile USA is set to launch by year's end a new breed of mobile phones that can pass live phone calls between cellular and Wi-Fi networks, a top executive told The Associated Press on Friday. Robert Dotson, chief executive of the U.S. subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG, declined to disclose the specific market where T-Mobile planned to introduce the technology, known as UMA or Unlicensed
iSkoot Offers Dual-Mode Cell Phone Users A Route to VoIP InternetWeek
iSkoot unveils a simple software download designed to let cell phone users use VoIP services such as Skype and GoogleTalk.
T-Mobile to launch mixed-signal phone PhysOrg
(AP) -- T-Mobile USA is set to launch by year's end a new breed of mobile phones that can pass live phone calls between cellular and Wi-Fi networks, a top executive told The Associated Press on Friday.
Three-Quarters of USA Adults Subscribe to Wireless Telephone Service Cellular-News.com
Three-quarters (74%) of American adults say they currently subscribe to wireless (cell or mobile) telephone service, more than those who say they currently subscribe to wireline (landline) service (58%). About one-quarter (24%) of cell phone users consider the cell phone their primary means of communication, and two in five (41%) say their cell phone provides them with a sense of personal
ASiQ's Safecell Test Confirms Cell Phones Safe for Use in Flight Broadcast Newsroom
SEATTLE, BUSINESS WIRE -- ASI Entertainment, Inc.'s (OTCBB:ASIQ), wholly owned subsidiary ASiQ Pty Ltd announced today that it has completed preliminary testing of the new Safecell shielding system which confirmed that it can make any cell phone comply with the stringent international aviation certification standards.
On the Road With VOIP Wired News
Cell phones may be the next battleground for companies offering internet phone services that don't depend on your desktop and router. By Randy Dotinga.
Voice Over IP, VoIP, Cell Phones, Smart Phone, Conference Calls
Shop for and buy the best Voice Over IP, VoIP, Cell Phones, Smart Phone, Conference Calls, Calling Cards at TigerDirect.com; your source for the best
Tech giants abuzz over VoIP for cell phones | CNET News.com
Tech giants abuzz over VoIP for cell phones | Sun Microsystems and others say Internet phone calling is the cell phone industry's next big thing,
Cell phone makers to adopt Internet calling | CNET News.com
Cell phone makers to adopt Internet calling | The cellular industry is making room for VoIP, the less-expensive Internet-based call technology.
ShouldExist || VOIP cell phone, for use when wireless network
There should exist some way for me to carry a cell-phone like device that would allow me to connect over a wireless network and talk over VOIP.
Third Screen: Why VOIP is headed for your cell phone - May. 4, 2006
SAN FRANCISCO (Business 2.0 Magazine) - For millions of users, voice over Internet protocol, or VOIP, is lowering phone bills for calls they make from their
Cell phone makers to adopt Internet calling | CNET News.com
Cell phone makers to adopt Internet calling | The cellular industry is making room for VoIP, the less-expensive Internet-based call technology.
ShouldExist || VOIP cell phone, for use when wireless network
There should exist some way for me to carry a cell-phone like device that would allow me to connect over a wireless network and talk over VOIP.
Third Screen: Why VOIP is headed for your cell phone - May. 4, 2006
SAN FRANCISCO (Business 2.0 Magazine) - For millions of users, voice over Internet protocol, or VOIP, is lowering phone bills for calls they make from their
VOIP Cell Phone
VOIP Cell Phone. A company called UTStarcom announced today that is going to roll out the first portable WiFi handset, that would interface with VOIP
business2blog: B2Day : VOIP-Enhanced Cell Phone
CallWave is offering a prepaid cell phone with special VOIP features. Listed below are links to weblogs that reference VOIP-Enhanced Cell Phone:
VoicePulse VoIP Phone Service
Packet 8 VoIP phone service · Cell Phone Emergency Power Recharger series VoicePulse provide another variation on the VoIP phone service concept,
Broadband Wireless VoIP Cell Phone for WiMAX, Wi-Fi, Wireless LANs
Broadband Wireless VoIP Cell Phone for WiMAX, Wi-Fi, Wireless LANs and 802.11 Networks.
Jajah Mobile promises VoIP from your cellphone - Engadget
Jajah Mobile promises VoIP from your cellphone some new software called Jajah Mobile, which lets you do VoIP calls via a web browser on your cellphone.