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British companies introduce innovative and exciting new products at GITEX 2006 AME Info
A desktop plastic card printer/encoder and a quad display switch are among many exciting and innovative new products being introduced by British companies at GITEX 2006 (Gulf Information Technology Exhibition) and GULFCOMMS in Dubai from 18 to 22 November 2006.
''One Stop Digital Voice'' from VocalTec and IBM Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
HERZLIA, Israel----VocalTec Communications Ltd. , a leading global provider of carrier-class multimedia and voice-over-IP solutions for communication service providers, announced today its cooperation with IBM as published in Konvergenz & Wireless Forum NEWS Flash.
IBM ‘Store of the Future’ steals San Antonio self-service show ATMmarketplace.com
A few short decades ago, the "store of the future" was a catalog showroom where customers filled out paper forms on clipboards and waited while their products were rolled down the line to the checkout.
Internet Telephony Conference & Expo West 2006 Participating Company Profiles Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
SAN DIEGO----Internet Telephony Conference & Expo West 2006 takes place October 10 through October 13 at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, CA. For in-depth information about the event please visit, http://www.tmcnet.com/voip/conference .
PAETEC Named Top Overall CLEC by ATLANTIC-ACM Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
FAIRPORT, N.Y.----PAETEC Communications, Inc., today announced it has received two Carrier Excellence Awards from ATLANTIC-ACM, a Boston-based telecommunications research consultancy.
On the Road With VOIP Wired News
Cell phones may be the next battleground for companies offering internet phone services that don't depend on your desktop and router. By Randy Dotinga.
Oracle releases first Portal product InfoWorld
( InfoWorld ) - Oracle Corp. has shipped a new version of Portal's billing and revenue management software after winning a hard-fought battle to acquire Portal earlier this year. Portal's software is designed to let communications and media companies bill and manage a range of services including wireline and wireless phones, broadband, cable, VOIP (voice over Internet Protocol), IP
Comverse Suite erleichtert den Zugang zu Quad Play Portel.de
New York, 02.10.06-14:54 – Comverse, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Comverse Technology, und weltweit führender Anbieter von Software und Systemen für netzwerkbasierte Multimedia-Kommunikationsdienstleistungen und Billing-Systemen, präsentiert mit der Einführung seiner Quad Play Suite eine neue Vier-in-Eins-Lösung, die IPTV Middleware (Internet Protocol Television, digitale Übertragung von
Oracle releases first Portal product since acquisition Computerworld Singapore
Portal's software is designed to let communications and media companies bill and manage a range of services including wireline and wireless phones, broadband, cable, VOIP (voice over Internet Protocol), IP television, music and video.
MetTel First National CLEC to Integrate With UCN Network and Offer On-Demand inContact Application Services SYS-CON Media
UCN, Inc. (BULLETIN BOARD: UCNN) , a provider of on-demand contact handling software and business telecommunication services delivered over the UCN national VoIP network, today announced a partnership with MetTel (Metropolitan Telecommunications), a competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) based in New York City. Under the terms of the signed agreement, the two companies will interconnect their

VoIP News - Carrier Billing Resource Center
Most VoIP Billing solutions are based around software and provide extremely flexible solutions both for providers and for customers in terms of levels of
VoIP Prepaid Billing & Calling Card Software System by Alepo
RBS VoIP is a popular calling card billing system, tightly integrated with Cisco, Quintum, AudioCodes, SER and Asterisk. Web site offer useful information
AdvancedVoIP -VoIP Billing Software,Interconnect Billing software
Advanced VoIP - Complete VoIP Billing Software for Broadband,VoIP,Content and Wifi Service Provider and Interconnect billing solution for all Telecom
VoIP Billing Software
VoIP Billing software - catalogue of billing solutions for telecommunications and VoIP industry.
Internet Billing Software, IPTV, VOIP, Web Hosting, Wifi, WiMax
Offers billing software and services including web hosting billing, VOIP, mesh broadband, and Wimax billing.

AdvancedVoIP -VoIP Billing Software,Interconnect Billing software
Advanced VoIP - Complete VoIP Billing Software for Broadband,VoIP,Content and Wifi Service Provider and Interconnect billing solution for all Telecom
VoIP Billing Software
VoIP Billing software - catalogue of billing solutions for telecommunications and VoIP industry.
Internet Billing Software, IPTV, VOIP, Web Hosting, Wifi, WiMax
Offers billing software and services including web hosting billing, VOIP, mesh broadband, and Wimax billing.
Rodopi Software - Automated Billing and Provisioning Software for
Software - Automated Billing and Provisioning Software for Web Hosting, VoIP, Rodopi OSS provides a fully web-enabled suite of software to automate
ispbs : Isp voip Billing Software.
ispbs is a user management and billing software designed for internet and access service, hosting and voip providers. Futures:
nikotel VoIP Billing for call shops :: Your personal Call Shop is
Functional range of the VoIP Billing software: (Download product Fact Sheet as Pdf). Software:; Easy Operation of web surface; Real time billing for each
Cardsaver VoIP Billing Software
Cardsaver VoIP Billing Software Products from Pulse.
VoIP Billing Software - AgileVoice
AgileVoice empowers your company with all the features you need for running Voice over Internet Protocal business.

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  • voip
  • billing
  • software
