Software meets needs of IP device and chipset manufacturers. ThomasNet
Optimized to run on chips embedded within VoIP phones and other hardware devices, fixed-point iSAC 2.0 delivers wideband quality in both low- and high-bit rate applications. It facilitates interoperability of IP phones, gateways, and chipsets with iSAC-enabled softphones and Internet-based voice services. Software automatically adjusts transmission rates, supporting real-time multimedia,
PR Newswire Summary of Technology Copy, Sept. 20, 2006 SYS-CON Media
Following is a summary of high technology news releases transmitted today by PR Newswire. The full text of these releases is available at the PR Newswire for Journalists,
Mac users get Skype video Overclockers Club
iTWire - "Mac users can now make free video calls to other Skype users, Windows or Mac with the latest, beta, version of the Skype softphone for Mac OS. Advertising Skype for Mac OS X 2.0 beta requires a Macintosh computer with Mac OS X v10.3.9 or newer, a G4, G5, or Intel processor running at a minimum of 800 MHz.
VOIP Service Quality Makes Gains PC Magazine via Yahoo! News
In some cases, VOIP services beat traditional phone service in a quality study, although more improvements are needed, says Keynote Systems.
Global IP Sound Extends Flexible, High Quality Voice Codec to VoIP Equipment Market RedNova
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 12 /PRNewswire/ -- Global IP Sound (GIPS) today announced the availability of version 2.0 of its iSAC codec. The market leading adaptive codec for developers of Voice over IP (VoIP) communications, iSAC 2.0 is now optimized for use in hardware devices.
Global IP Sound Extends Flexible, High Quality Voice Codec to VoIP Equipment Market PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Global IP Sound today announced the availability of version 2.0 of its iSAC codec.
Skype VoIP : Download Skype Free For Business or Home
skype softphone The Skype VoIP phone is based on a software application that you can download and install on any Windows or Mac based PC.
Voice of VOIPSA » Blog Archive » Discussion on Skype/Softphone
Discussion on Skype/Softphone Security. June 8th, 2006 by David Endler. There’sa fairly spirited discussion happening on the VOIPSEC mailing list regarding
Blog This: » Gizmo vs. Skype: Robertson sees how they run | IP
Skype: Robertson sees how they run. If you want to include this posting in your has been running both Gizmo Project and Skype’s softphone on his PC.
Joho the Blog: Skype and Tellme: Voice recognition for Skype
Now, with the Skype deal, instead of picking up your phone, you can click the button on your Skype softphone. Q: If I've developed an app using your service
Wireless USB Phone - Help - Voice over IP
Does anyone know where I can buy a wireless USB phone that works with a generic SIP softphone? I don't need Skype, but if it supported Skype also, fine.
Blog This: » Gizmo vs. Skype: Robertson sees how they run | IP
Skype: Robertson sees how they run. If you want to include this posting in your has been running both Gizmo Project and Skype’s softphone on his PC.
Joho the Blog: Skype and Tellme: Voice recognition for Skype
Now, with the Skype deal, instead of picking up your phone, you can click the button on your Skype softphone. Q: If I've developed an app using your service
Wireless USB Phone - Help - Voice over IP
Does anyone know where I can buy a wireless USB phone that works with a generic SIP softphone? I don't need Skype, but if it supported Skype also, fine.
iTWire - Philips bundles Skype & Windows Live VoIP with cordless
Kelly Poon, market development manager for Skype Asia said the Skype softphone for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X were quite different and any decision to have
iTWire - Has the Skype fallen in for eBay?
In a posting on the VoiPWiki blog on 13 July Charlie Paglee claimed to have received a call on his Skype softphone from a colleague in a Chines software
::: - Buy Powerdata K21600W VoIP Gateway (Phone Adapter) For
Powerdata K21600W VoIP Gateway (Phone Adapter) For Skype Softphone USB2.0 I'ma new Skype user and I've been waiting for a device like this.
::: - Buy Powerdata K21600W VoIP Gateway (Phone Adapter) For
Buy Powerdata K21600W VoIP Gateway (Phone Adapter) For Skype Softphone USB2.0 K21600W - PowerData USB in Premier Computer Store.
Download the Eutectics Skype integration. Skype Softphone Once the download is complete plug the Eutectics phone into a USB port. The Eutectics Drivers are