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Support For Service Pack 1 Ends WebProNews
Windows XP Service Pack 1 has reached the end of its rope, at least in terms of official support. Microsoft will stop producing updates tomorrow, and recommends "that customers who are still running Windows XP SP1 or SP1a upgrade to Windows XP Service Pack 2 as soon as possible." This move may seem a bit sudden - SP1 has not been out all that long, in comparison to other products.
Microsoft ends support for XP Service Pack 1 Computer Weekly
Microsoft has warned users of Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Service Pack 1a (SP1a) that its support for the products ends on Tuesday 10 October.
PRESS RELEASE: Stardock Expands Galactic Civilizations II Expansion Pack gamesindustry.biz
October 9, 2006 -- Stardock Entertainment today announced plans to extend the feature set of the highly anticipated expansion pack to Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords.
Windows XP SP1 Support Ends Tuesday Slashdot
tophee writes "ZDNet reports that support for Windows XP SP1 and SP1a will be ending this coming Tuesday. From the article: 'Microsoft will end support for Windows XP Service Pack 1 and SP1a on Tuesday, leaving people no option but to upgrade to Service Pack 2 if they wish to continue to receive crucial components, including security software.' Colin Barker of ZDNet notes, 'There's little reason
Support ending for Windows XP SP1 CNET
Those who use Service Pack 1, which is now 4 years old, must upgrade or lose support as of Tuesday, Microsoft says.
Support ending for Windows XP SP1 Overclockers Club
c|net - "Microsoft will end support for Windows XP Service Pack 1 and SP1a on Tuesday, leaving people no option but to upgrade to Service Pack 2 if they wish to continue to receive crucial components, including security software.
Support ends for Windows XP SP1 ZDNet UK via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
Service Pack 1 users need to upgrade now or lose support, says Microsoft
Army launching 'Army Strong' ad campaign AP via Yahoo! News
In its battle to win the hearts and minds of recruiting-age Americans, the Army is replacing its main ad slogan — "An Army of One" — with one it hopes will pack more punch: "Army Strong."
Foster City leads the pack in wireless Internet race The San Francisco Examiner
Foster City, Calif. - FOSTER CITY — Residents and visitors will soon be able to kick back by the waterfront while surfing the Internet.
Mercantile buyer may offer free ATM service Baltimore Sun
After buying a scandal-damaged Riggs National Corp. last year, PNC Financial Services Group decided to offer free ATM transactions for customers in the Washington area to attract deposits.

Pack Service - Produzione di macchine reggiatrici e sistemi di
Pack Service - Produzione di macchine reggiatrici speciali e sistemi di reggiatura.
What is service pack? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia
This page describes the term service pack and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information.
Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)
Running into problems with hardware or programs now that you've installed the service pack? This portal can help you find answers and troubleshoot SP2 on
HP Channel Services Network
HP Care Pack services. Find an HP Care Pack service. printable version. » return to original page Look up a previously registered HP Care Pack
HP Care Pack Services
HP Care Pack Services extend your product warranty with convenient support packages that help protect your hardware and software investments.

Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)
Running into problems with hardware or programs now that you've installed the service pack? This portal can help you find answers and troubleshoot SP2 on
HP Channel Services Network
HP Care Pack services. Find an HP Care Pack service. printable version. » return to original page Look up a previously registered HP Care Pack
HP Care Pack Services
HP Care Pack Services extend your product warranty with convenient support packages that help protect your hardware and software investments.
HP United States - Computers, Laptops, Servers, Printers & more
Care Pack Services. » New Easy Financing. » Color Printing Center. » Business Templates. » Free Online Classes. View more:
HP Care Pack services
Your standard warranty protects against product defects. hp care pack services help you guard against downtime, which can reduce your productivity and
Service pack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A service pack (in short SP) is a collection of updates, fixes and/or enhancements to a software program delivered in the form of a single installable
Visual Studio 2005: Service Pack 5
Visual Studio 2005: Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 5 (SP5) provides updates to the Visual Studio 6.0 development system and its component
Autodesk - Autodesk Inventor - Updates & Service Packs
Update for Error 1328 while Applying Service Pack 3 (Czech only) · Autodesk® Mechanical Desktop® 2004 (Autodesk Inventor® Professional 7) Service Pack 3

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