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Dow Chemical's Global Reach: A Q&A BusinessWeek
CIO Dave Kepler talks about the company's new technology, which combines radio frequency identification with global positioning systems
Comcast getting into movie downloads Ars Technica
Comcast is getting into the video download business soon. How will their position as one of the largest broadband ISPs change the online movie market?
Trapeze Unveils Next Gen Product Unstrung.com
WiFi switching is back on the agenda this Monday with Trapeze Networks Inc. making bold claims for its new WLAN system, while broadband wireless grabs headlines as vendors introduce new gear ahead of the WiMax World show in Boston this week.
Asterisk: Be your own phone company Tech Republic
If your company is looking for ways to control telecommunications costs, Asterisk offers tools that level that the playing field for small and medium sized business.
VOIP for the Little Guys eWeek
Opinion: SMBs are getting in on voice over IP.
T-Mobile to start cell-Wi-Fi combo Belleville News-Democrat
T-Mobile USA is set to launch by year's end a new breed of mobile phones that can pass live phone calls between cellular and Wi-Fi networks, a top executive told The Associated Press on Friday.
Hold the Phone; ISPs; Big Players RedNova
By GORMAN, Paul The geek world is getting excited about what's in store for us via the once- humble telephone, but should the rest of us be? PAUL GORMAN reports.
WIRELESS WORLD Manila Bulletin
An American business traveler awaiting a flight in Rome uses SlingBox to view last night's episode of CSI: Miami on her laptop. Wireless sensors inform workers of an equipment failure in a remote area of an oil refinery, saving the company thousands of dollars.
Selling Telco TV: You Got $99? Light Reading
FOSTER CITY, Calif. – Telco TV’s moment of truth is just around the corner in the U.S., and some of the biggest players in the movement still have divergent ideas on how to sell the new service to American consumers.
Beguiling but Beware: Ajax, VOIP Wired News
They are slick and gaining popularity, but voice over internet protocol and Ajax have some big security problems that will probably get worse before they get better. Quinn Norton reports from San Diego.

Is Linux Voice over IP Ready? | Linux Journal
Can I start my own telecom service? This article addresses these questions I cannot tell you which VoIP company I work for (not Vonage) but I can assure
MSN buys into Net-calling future | CNET News.com
Microsoft announces the buyout of VoIP start-up, aiming to replicate Skype's Microsoft has its eyes set on something more like Net phone company Skype's
What is the Best VOIP Company?
Similar to your broadband internet company, your VOIP provider might have a that more and more people will start using VOIP service in the coming years.
Google Groups: voiptermination
Start your VoIP Company. Use IPage Tele hosted turnkey platform to create your VoIP Company and implement the business models of your choice.
4-Channel VoIP for Small business
Start-up unveils four-channel VoIP product. Last modified: October 29, 2003, The company unveiled its E-VoIP 4000, which aims to lower companies'
How to start the next Vonage - voip-info.org
To start the next vonage you will need essentially 6 things (other than 500000 I started down the path to starting my own VOIP company just after
sipgate.co.uk - free phone service over your broadband link
Join now, download a free software and start using sipgate immediately! The perfect office VoIP phone featuring 4 SIP-Ports for 4 sip-Accounts.
Easy as pie and a great way to start making VoIP calls. The Cyberphone W is a product of the well respected company VoIPvoice and has been developed

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