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Put the cell phone on hold, then try these VoIP devices Pioneer Press
I admit it: I don't have a cell phone. I want one but don't need one and can't justify the expense, so I endure stares and gasps when I confess my cell-less state at parties.
Security Auditing: Using a Security Analyzer to Conduct Comprehensive Audits Converge! Network Digest
Fonpods Debuts Mobile Podcasting Service Fonpods, a start-up based in Los Angeles, unveiled its new podcast by phone service. Fonpods’ proprietary platform is designed to provide convenient, cost-free mobile access to digital audio content – podcasts in particular - through the mobile phone.
Vonage V-phone hits UK streets The Register
It's mobile and, technically, it's a phone It's a phone on a USB stick, it looks just like any USB memory stick, and it has (at last!) shipped into the UK. It's the Vonage V-phone.…
Sponsored Listing Growth Company Investor
According to research conducted by online broadband information service Point-Topic, the global number of subscribers to consumer voice over IP (VoIP) services increased by 83 per cent in 2005, to over 18.7 million users worldwide.
Yebo to Jajah Financial Mail
Here's a radical prediction. Soon, international voice telephony on mobile phones will be free or so cheap it may as well be free. Don't believe me? Then you haven't heard of Jajah, a start-up company that wants to be the Skype of cellphones.
On the Road With VOIP Wired News
Cell phones may be the next battleground for companies offering internet phone services that don't depend on your desktop and router. By Randy Dotinga.
Internet Telephony Conference & Expo West 2006 Participating Company Profiles Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
SAN DIEGO----Internet Telephony Conference & Expo West 2006 takes place October 10 through October 13 at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, CA. For in-depth information about the event please visit, http://www.tmcnet.com/voip/conference .
Leading VoIP Service Provider Offers More Than Just Inexpensive Phone Calls PR Web via Yahoo! News
Toronto, ON (PRWEB) September 29, 2006 -- Announcing its latest release, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service provider Softroute expands its software capabilities to make it more convenient than ever to communicate with anyone, anytime, any place and any way in an inexpensive, high quality and secure manner.
Asterisk: Be your own phone company Tech Republic
If your company is looking for ways to control telecommunications costs, Asterisk offers tools that level that the playing field for small and medium sized business.
Buying business phone service can be a jumble of choices NorthJersey.com
Over at Shelter Our Sisters, a non-profit program devoted to victims of domestic violence, Elaine Meyerson had her hands full. The executive director needed to add phones at a shelter, but the existing Panasonic phone system wasn't up to the job.

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FreeCalls365 Launches Free PC-to-Phone VoIP Service
Daily bulletin of telecommunications related news.

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