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Cisco IP Contact Center Product Training (Seminar)
Attend this seminar to learn how to configure Cisco IP Contact Center and understand how it operates. This class will also explor

Upgrade Cisco ICM with Spanlink
Familiarity with CMS, including integrating CMS data with ICM reporting data for Use of Cisco CCBU's ICM Alarm Tracker standard on all 24 X 7 plans
Learning Offerings
The Cisco Systems Customizing ICM/IPCC Repor workshop is designed to provide studen with a thorough understanding of the ICM reporting environment and
Latigent | Business Intelligence Call Center Software
reporting for Cisco ICM, IP Contact Center and Call Manager. BlueVue Reportal and ytics is a robust and interactive reporting solution for all
Fast Lane | Course Details | Cisco ICM Product Training Part 1
Demonstrate an overall understanding of the Cisco ICM system and environment The course concludes with the reporting capabilities of ICM.
ICMPT1 (Cisco® ICM Product Training Part 1)
The first day of ICMPT1 is an overview of the Cisco Intelligent Contact Finish up by examining the reporting capabilities of the ICM system using

Latigent | Business Intelligence - Call Center Software
Turnkey reporting for Cisco ICM, IP Contact Center and Call Manager. BlueVue Reportal and Analytics is a robust and interactive reporting solution for all
Latigent | Business Intelligence - Call Center Software
BlueVue for Cisco ICM and IPCC Turn Key Reporting for your Cisco ICM or IPCC. BlueVue Business Intelligence Learn how BlueVue enhances your business.
Fast Lane | Course Details | Cisco ICM Product Training Part 1
Demonstrate an overall understanding of the Cisco ICM system and environment The course concludes with the reporting capabilities of ICM.
ICMPT1 (Cisco® ICM Product Training Part 1)
The first day of ICMPT1 is an overview of the Cisco Intelligent Contact Finish up by examining the reporting capabilities of the ICM system using
Description of Cisco ICM Product Training Part 1 and Part 2 v7.0
Demonstrate an overall understanding of the Cisco ICM system, processes, Adding a Second Site; ICM Reporting; Architecture and Deployment; Lab Design
ICMPT1+IPCCE Course Detail
This course provides a foundation for Cisco's Intelligent Contact Management (ICM) product including basic scripting and reporting.
ICM for ISP jen.qxd
With Cisco ICM, Customer Saves Money and Balances Call Volumes ICM Reporting Provides a Consistent Picture and Saves Time. Prior to ICM, because of the
The Cisco ICM provides an advanced reporting interface which allows call center managers to gather detailed statistics on many variables.

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