Dell to ship AMD products to India soon HARDWARE ZDNet India
Dell Inc., the $57 billion leading IT products major, would begin shipping its servers and desktops with Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) processors to India from the fourth quarter of this year, a top company official said here Friday.
100,000 new rural centres to bridge digital divide SOFTWARE ZDNet India
Over 100,000 common services centres (CSCs) covering over 600,000 villages are to be set up to bridge the digital divide and provide a range of government services on an "anytime-anywhere" basis, it was announced here Thursday.
AMD chip socket makes room for others HARDWARE ZDNet India
Advanced Micro Devices will let computer makers pop specialized coprocessors into sockets that otherwise would house an AMD primary processor such as Opteron or Athlon.
A choice to make ISP-Planet
Garnett says he looked at four or five equipment providers before selecting Digital Path. He says that Digital Path provided reasonably priced equipment and a vital network management system.
'Mix Max' for Kids from Disney CONSUMERTECH ZDNet India
The Walt Disney Company has reportedly announced a slew of products for the coming holiday season, including a personal digital media player for kids called the "Mix Max," a mini version of Disney's audio player called the "Mix Micro," and an upgraded version of the "Mix Stick" music player.
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