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deltathree Expands its Latin American Network to Reach New Hosted VoIP Residential Customers SYS-CON Media
deltathree, Inc. , a leading provider of hosted Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solutions worldwide today announced that it has expanded its universe of Latin American network termination partners aimed at increasing the reach of its hosted residential VoIP Outsourced Platform Solution customers in the region. Responding to increased demand for hosted VoIP solutions in Latin America,
deltathree Expands its Latin American Network to Reach New Hosted VoIP Residential Customers FinanzNachrichten
NEW YORK, Oct. 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- deltathree, ( Nachrichten ) Inc. , a leading provider of hosted Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solutions worldwide today announced that it has expanded its universe of Latin American network termination partners aimed at increasing the reach of its hosted residential VoIP Outsourced Platform Solution customers in the region.
Vocalscape Announces Launch of Peoplefone VoIP Network in Austria PrimeZone via Yahoo! Finance
Vocalscape Networks, Inc. with Peoplefone AG announced today the launch of the Peoplefone Austria VoIP services as well as a revenue sharing partnership for this new market.
VoEX Establishes New Global Headquarters in Foster City, California PR Web via Yahoo! News
Foster City, California (PRWEB) September 20, 2006 –- VoEX, Inc.
VoEX Establishes New Global Headquarters in Foster City, California PR Web
New Global Headquarters (PRWEB Sep 20, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/zingpr.php/TWFnbi1TaW5nLUluc2UtSG9yci1JbnNlLVplcm8=
Pactolus Introduces SIPkit Prepaid System, Redefines Market Entry Economics Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
LAS VEGAS and MARLBOROUGH, Mass.----Sept. 12, 2006--Pactolus Communications Software Corporation, makers of the telecom industry's most broadly deployed and comprehensive VoIP applications portfolio, today introduced its new SIPkit Prepaid System that simplifies and sharply cost-reduces reseller deployment of the industry's most market-proven, feature rich SIP-based prepaid application.
SPIDER RegistrySM Adds VoEx as New Registrar, Total Numbers in Registry Equals Record Breaking 115 Million Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
WILMINGTON, Del.----Sept. 12, 2006--SPIDER Registry, Inc., a non- stock, not-for-profit company committed to facilitating global interconnection of VoIP services, announces today the addition of VoEx, a leading global IP communications innovator, as a new Registrar to the SPIDER Registry.
PR Newswire Summary of Technology Copy, Sept. 12, 2006 SYS-CON Media
Following is a summary of high technology news releases transmitted today by PR Newswire. The full text of these releases is available at the PR Newswire for Journalists, http://media.prnewswire.com/.

QiiQ -VoIP, gateway, billing, RADIUS, CDR, prepaid
QiiQ - Q-BILL - billing software for RADIUS-compliant VoIP gateways. Prepaid Calling Card Operation, and Gateway Termination Billing
Buy Sell VoIP Hardware, VoIP Call Termination, VoIP Software
Are you selling VoIP/TDM termination minutes? Are you looking for traffic? Post information on your route, price, capacity, availibility, billing and
AdvancedVoIP - Complete VoIP Billing Software and Billing Solutions
VoIP Billing Software, Billing Solution, Telecom / Interconnect billing, ISP Billing Wholesale origination/termination with medium setups; Chain of VoIP
PortaOne products: IP Telephony communication services and
IP telephony, SIP, SIP Proxy, Softswitch, VoIP billing, Cisco billing, prepaid billing, pre-paid VoIP, postpaid accounts, wholesale VoIP, termination voip
IPsmarx Technologies Inc. - Phone to Phone VoIP Calling Card
The termination solution has the following requirements:. Analog or Digital VoIP Gateway · TerminaVoIP Billing Software; Internet Access; Partnership with
IPsmarx Technologies Inc. - Phone to Phone VoIP Calling Card
With our reliable and secure billing software solutions and services, IPsmarx offers AZ as well as direct routes termination services for enterprise,
Product showcase of SIP Billing Solutions / SIP Tradeshow
Good termination rates available for service provider and aggregator. Sysmaster Corporation - End-to-End billing solution for VOIP with integrated VOIP
Wholesale VoIP Solution | VoIP Exchange, VoIP Traffic Exchange
The wholesale VoIP provider signs both origination and termination A typical SysMaster Wholesale Billing solution has the following requirements:

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  • billing
  • solution
  • termination
  • voip
