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Quantum Theory group
 Physics Department, University of Salerno

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Quantum Information

Entanglement is one of the foundational properties of quantum mechanics and an essential resource in quantum communication and information processing. A crucial distinction must be made between the tensor product structure of finite dimensional and infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces, associated, respectively, to discrete and continuous variables (CV). Understanding of CV entanglement poses major challenges. It is important, to begin with, to select a class of CV states that be at the same time amenable to analytical investigations and physically relevant. Such a test ground is provided by the set of two-mode and multimode Gaussian states.

In this setting, we have developed an extended framework for the systematic investigations of their bipartite and multipartite entanglement properties. Among others, the main results obtained so far include the discovery of exact a priori upper and lower bounds on the bipartite entanglement of two-mode mixed Gaussian states in terms of the global and local degrees of purity, quantified by different types of entropic measures. The associated classes of maximally and minimally entangled mixed two-mode Gaussian states have been defined and their properties studied. These studies have been extended to multimode states, elucidating the scaling properties of bipartite entanglement with the number of modes, and developing the concept of unitarily localizable entanglement (under particular symmetry constraints). We have addressed the sharing structure of entanglement, proving new monogamy constraints that are the CV generalization of the sharing inequalities originally introduced for qubit systems. Although the structure of monogamy inequalities, suitably adapted, still holds in Gaussian states of CV systems, nevertheless, due to the profound differences between finite and infinite dimensional state spaces, in the latter case entanglement sharing can be promiscuous: there exist states of maximal symmetry between the modes, the so called CV symultaneous GHZ/W states that maximize both tripartite entanglement (like in a GHZ state of qubits) and all couplewise correlations when a mode is lost or traced out (like in a W state of qubits).

Another important point is the understanding of entanglement in connection with the operational aspects of quantum information, communication, and computation processes. In the context of Gaussian states of CV systems, we have shown that bipartite and multipartite entanglements are operationally equivalent, respectively, to the optimal success (maximal achievable fidelity at fixed local squeezings) of two-user CV quantum teleportation and multi-party CV teleportation networks. Studying Gaussian states in action for concrete protocols of quantum information, leads one naturally to study the interplay between decoherence and quantumness.

Considering the decoherence of Gaussian and non Gaussian states in Gaussian noisy channels, we have derived conditions on the initial states and on the noisy channel such that the loss of coherence is minimized at intermediate times with respect to the typical relaxation time of the bath. Control and reduction of losses and decoherence play a crucial role in discussing the generation of entanglement itself. Considering the entanglement of material particles like atoms and molecules, we have introduced an efficient, quasi-deterministic scheme to generate maximally entangled states of two atomic ensembles, based on quantum non-demolition measurements of total atomic populations and on adiabatic quantum feedback conditioned by the measurement outputs. The high efficiency of the scheme has been tested and confirmed numerically for ideal photo-detection as well as in the presence of losses.

To realize an efficient quantum computer one must be able to store quantum data efficiently. We have proposed a new scheme to engineer quantum memories by techniques of global quantum control, introducing topologically time-modulated spin rings, with global and periodic inversions of the dynamics generated by residual interqubit interactions. This strategy inverts and suppresses quantum diffusion, and allows the time-periodic reconstruction of quantum information with perfect efficiency. Our approach allows the storage of a large number (possibly macroscopic) of local quantum states, while being intrinsically robust against several sources of noise and imperfections.

Quantum Optics

The exploitation of quantum and nonclassical properties of multiphoton states of the electromagnetic field allows, at least in principle, important applications in several branches of quantum physics, from quantum interferometry to quantum communication and information. However, a major theoretical issue facing the community has been to understand how to generalize to arbitrary numbers of photons and modes the structure of nonclassical states of two-photon quantum optics, such as the two-photon squeezed states.

We have recently proposed a transparent and rather general framework of canonical multiphoton quantum optics by introducing nonlinear, canonical and unitary, generalizations of the linear Bogoliubov transformations. These transformations, nonlinear in the original modes, but still associated to a linear, unitary mixing operator in Hilbert space, define generic multiphoton squeezed states, in general non Gaussian, strongly nonclassical and entangled, that are realized by diagonalizable driving multiphoton Hamiltonians. In principle, these multiphoton Hamiltonians are physically realizable, and we have proposed an explicit experimental setup for the generation of three-photon squeezed states. The method is based on exploiting effective three-photon processes in nonlinear crystals with suitably enhanced third-order nonlinearities and physical parameters.