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Hello everybody, I am Emiliano Ricotta. I have achieved the Artistic Maturity and then enrolled in the Faculty of Architecture. In January 2000 a friend of mine enrolled me, without my knowledge, to a Rock contest, forcing me to put finally in writing some songs I was thinking about since a long time. In that contest I got, with the performed songs [Non Ti Fermi Mai (You Never Take A Break), Giorno di festa (Holidays), L'innocenza non perderla mai (Never Lose Your Innocence) and a cover from Mogol-Battisti: Le tre verità (The three truths)], an unexpected appreciation from both the public and the jury. This event contributed to encourage me in keeping on composing and, in about one year, I wrote other songs , asked the registration as an author and composer to the our copyright office, the SIAE, where up to now I have deposited the following 11 songs: Non Ti Fermi Mai (You Never Take A Break) 4'35", Un Sogno Dentro (A Dream Inside) 5'14", Giorno di festa (Holidays) 5'24", L'innocenza non perderla mai (Never lose your innocence) 6'27", Sorrisi di latta (Tin's Smiles) 6'15", Frammenti (Fragments) 5'47", Con Te (To Your Side) 6'01", Un'altra vita (A Different Life) 5'20", NIK 4'19'', Emilià 5'37 '', Coda1 1'41". The first ten pieces are songs while the last one is an instrumental finalino. These songs are included in a CD entitled “FRAMMENTI (FRAGMENTS)” that is on sale here. The songs have been recorded using a micro-recording home studio based on a PC. I sing both the leading voice and chorus and play the guitars (acoustic and electric) and the keyboards.

Copyright © Emiliano Ricotta