Originally Webcast September 30, 2002

Digital Dish Diva says:
Welcome to MSN Live! This afternoon we are pleased to welcome director, Guy Ritchie whose new film is "Swept Away" which stars his wife Madonna.

Digital Dish Diva says:
Guy, welcome to MSN Live for your first chat!

Guy Ritchie says:
I wouldn't like to say hi to everyone. I've had a long day and I’m going to be grumpy and say ‘piss off’ to everyone. (laughs)

Digital Dish Diva says:
That's a great start for a chat. (laughs)

Guy Ritchie says:
We'll have to talk about quantum physics or something like that. (laughs)

Joliejenna in Onstage4 asks:
What was the basic idea behind the “What it Feels Like for a Girl” video? Who was the older lady supposed to represent?

Guy Ritchie says:
Represents what it feels like to be an old lady.

Guy Ritchie says:
These two ladies were wonderful, no matter what their ages were.

Guy Ritchie says:
I'm trying to think up something cerebral. (laughs)

Manolis_Varnasactor1 in Onstage1 asks:
Guy, what kind of movies do you enjoy doing most and do you wish to direct a thriller or horror movie?

Guy Ritchie says:
Porn. Definitely porn.

Digital Dish Diva says:
Alrighty then.

Neo12535 in Onstage4 asks:
I loved the movie “Snatch.” Was it as fun to make as it looked?

Guy Ritchie says:
Yeah. It was a lot of fun to make it. Fortunately I
never had to put the displeasure of working with a
twerp (for lack of a better word).

Madonnalex in Onstage4 asks:
What's the sexiest thing about your wife?

Guy Ritchie says:
Her chest. (laughs)

BabyDoll813 in Onstage4 asks:
What was it like to direct Madonna? Was she easy or difficult to deal with?

Guy Ritchie says:

thibi_yen in Onstage4 asks:
Do you remember the first time when you decided you wanted to make movies (for a living)?

Guy Ritchie says:
Yeah. First of all, I didn't think it would be possible because I thought it was too ambitious and I started the game late at age 22. Once I thought of a concept, I did it.

iliveontheothersideofthe in Onstage1 asks:
You've made the comment in an interview "It's all an illusion" several times. To what are you referring to?

Guy Ritchie says:
That is a good question. In 1927 there was a theory that said the atom would change its nature depending on who was looking at it. It is called The Uncertainty Principle. The Quantum Principle is that we are all related. Your soul, my soul, their souls all belong together. It is the illusion of the space between us that makes us not nice to each other. If we realized there was no space, we would be quite decent to each other. It's quite an important point. In fact the only point ever.

Sac_Chaser_003 in Onstage1 asks:
How do you feel about toning down the "sexual content" in a remake of a classic movie?

Guy Ritchie says:
I've always found sex in movies pretty boring unless it's a porn movie. (laughs) Unless it's a porn movie you might as well swear off the sex. You're at a movie for the message, not to ejaculate.

HawkShawk in Onstage4 asks:
I am a film fanatic, Guy, and I was just wondering how you made it in the business with such tough competition. I thought “Snatch” was fantastic by the way.

Guy Ritchie says:
It’s all about ignoring what everyone tells you and
sometimes not ignoring what one person tells you. You have to come up with something that is punk rock enough and ignoring what everyone says. It's really about having the belief that what you're doing is worth doing. It's a hellish road to embark because everyone is so disencouraging. Of course if you crack it, you crack it.

Guy Ritchie says:
I never believe in anything that comes easy.

Joliejenna in Onstage4 asks:
I HAVE GOT TO KNOW THIS. Why do you and your wife where those red bracelets?

Guy Ritchie says:
It has to do with quantum physics. It is all about universal technology. It's big. Very BIG. No- BIGGER than that!

thibi_yen in Onstage4 asks:
Do you have any regrets?

Guy Ritchie says:
None but I often I think I do. I regret that I regretted. There is beauty in the fact that what you think will be your biggest cop out won't be. What is down is up and what is up is down. Pain is the opposite of what it seems. It's big.

strikeout781 in Onstage1 asks:
What is your favorite Madonna song?

Guy Ritchie says:
I don't know any.

IHateMizzou in Onstage1 asks:
Are you ever going to make another movie with the same characters as “Lock Stocked” and “Snatch”?

Guy Ritchie says:
I am sure I will end up using a lot of those characters again.

Maldita511 in Onstage4 asks:
Do you find it harder to be a HUSBAND or DIRECTOR to your wife?

Guy Ritchie says:
It is harder to be a husband. I think that goes for every husband. To be a husband--that is a good husband.

HawkShawk in Onstage4 asks:
Did you study film or any subject related to film at college? I'm currently writing scripts and would like to get an idea of how to start?

Guy Ritchie says:
No. Not really, no. None that is worth speaking about. Directing can more or less be learned in an hour or so. Confidence to go out and do something about takes a lot longer. There is another illusion for you.

UnclaspedSword in Onstage1 asks:
Would you ever consider acting in one of your own films or someone else's?

Guy Ritchie says:
I am sure I will at some point.

RebelisPIssed in Onstage4 asks:
Who is your favorite singer?

Guy Ritchie says:
What's his name Humperdink.

Liesa0338 in Onstage3 asks:
If you had just one wish, what would you wish for and why?

Guy Ritchie says:
The recognition is all an illusion.

bootyliciouschic24_7 in Onstage5 asks:
This isn't about the movie, but I was just wondering. Do you like any of your wife's friends better than the rest? If so, which one?

Guy Ritchie says:
(laughs) Johnny the Flasher.

ule says:
Did you have any fun in Greece?

Guy Ritchie says:
Yeah, I like Greece.

MoGuy76 in Onstage1 asks:
Were you happy with the way “Swept Away” turned out? I know there were rumors of a delay, etc.

Guy Ritchie says:
What does he know? Get your nose in the dictionary. Stop reading the tabloids.

HeavenlyStars in Onstage1 asks:
Hello, so other than making movies, what else are you interested in, and what would be your fall back job?

Guy Ritchie says:
I'd do porn movies. (laughs) I jest. I'd be a dictator.

Guy Ritchie says:
Dictator of porn movies. (laughs)

JeffB5 in Onstage4 asks:
What filmmakers influence you the most?

Guy Ritchie says:
Japanese characters that no one has ever heard of.

AquaMosquito in Onstage4 asks:
Guy, you're super creative and talented, do you consider making a film with Brad again?
Guy Ritchie says:
Yeah, I'd work with him again.

BombshellChanteuse in Onstage4 asks:
What films inspire you?

Guy Ritchie says:
Usually films no one has ever heard of.

Manolis_Varnasactor1 in Onstage1 asks:
Guy, what's your favourite Greek island?

Guy Ritchie says:
The Cyclides island.

UnclaspedSword in Onstage1 asks:
Do you plan to put any extra footage and behind the scenes material on the DVD?

Guy Ritchie says:
Yeah. There's a "Making of" that will go with it. It's quite funny. Funnier than the film actually.

JeffB5 in Onstage4 asks:
What is the purpose of the 2nd 2nd Assistant Director, and why is it called that?

Guy Ritchie says:
He's the assistant that helps the first assistant. In other words, he's a runner, a tea boy. (laughs) No, they have an important job. I just can't remember what it is.

Madonna_Love in Onstage1 asks:
Is there one person in the entertainment business that you'd like to work with?

Guy Ritchie says:
Yeah, what's his name Humperdink.

BrattyFlirt in Onstage1 asks:
Who's your favorite actor you've worked with?

Guy Ritchie says:
I like all of them. Brad is a good boy.

Maldita511 in Onstage4 asks:
I loved the short film "STAR" you directed with Madonna. Would you ever do another segment like that with her again? I just LOVED the way she was able to POKE fun of herself!

Guy Ritchie says:
She got it down in swept away. That's what it's all about.

BombshellChanteuse in Onstage4 asks:
When you aren't working, what are some of the things you like to do?

Guy Ritchie says:
Masturbate. (laughs)

StickyFingahz11 in Onstage5 asks:
Will you impose a "fine" system on all of your movies, such as you did with Snatch?

Guy Ritchie says:
Yes, it keeps discipline in the ranks.

Digital Dish Diva says:
For those who don't know what that is, could you explain it?

Guy Ritchie says:
The fining system is for people that don't do what they're told will be fined. No exceptions.

codys_girl in Onstage4 asks:
What is your next movie going to be about?

Guy Ritchie says:

Guy Ritchie says:
No. My next film will be about cracking the codes of the universe.

john11_ in Onstage4 asks:
I read somewhere that a recurring theme in “Snatch had” to do with video cameras. What was that about?

Guy Ritchie says:
No idea.

Manolis_Varnasactor1 in Onstage1 asks:
Guy, how do you see yourself in 19 years from now?

Guy Ritchie says:
19 pound heavier.

JackSchwager in Onstage4 asks:
Do you think the next two “Matrix” movies will live up to the hype?

Guy Ritchie says:
No idea.

xmenrules in Onstage5 asks:
What do you think of your wife, Madonna doing the latest Bond theme song "Die another Day"? I think it's an awesome song!

Guy Ritchie says:
Yeah, it's a good song. It's cool.

BombshellChanteuse in Onstage4 asks:
What were your adolescent years like?

Guy Ritchie says:

AquaMosquito in Onstage4 asks:
Guy, Do you think digital film making is the future of Hollywood?

Guy Ritchie says:
Oh yes, undoubtedly.

MoriSieki in Onstage4 asks:
How did you manage to acquire Lenny McLean for the part of Hary the Baptist?

Guy Ritchie says:
I asked him.

Digital Dish Diva says:
Guy, I understand you need to run. Thanks for being with your fans tonight on MSN!

Guy Ritchie says:
Peace. It's all about quantum law.
