Hello all you Love Bugs,

Finally back in the old U.S. of A. Enjoying a lot of sunshine and a bit of relaxation. I said a bit...

I just did a photo shoot for Vanity Fair and an interview where I talk lots about Swept Away which, as you probably know, I made with my old man. It's coming out in October and I hope you get a chance to see it.

I will be shooting a video for the Bond song in a few weeks called Die Another Day that will be dircted by the Traktor Boys (a very cool directing team). I had to learn how to fence and I am very excited to add that to my arsenal of things I have accomplished.

Other than that I am strumming my guitar and cooking up ideas for my next album. Of course, there is my birthday and my son's birthday to look forward to. We will be celebrating the gift of life, and I hope you are all doing the same.

Don't forget to share your light with someone. Have a great summer!!!!!!!
