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    DigitalPulp Publishing Sponsors the World eBook Fair PR Web
    DigitalPulp Publishing and the DPPstore join in the second month-long World eBook Fair celebration taking place through all of October, 2006. (PRWEB Sep 29, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/dingpr.php/U3F1YS1NYWduLUluc2UtU3VtbS1JbnNlLVplcm8=
    Panasonic Words Gear eBook I4U
    Panasonic enters the eBook market with the Words Gear electronic book reader. The company showed a prototype of the color screen eBook back in July 2005 the first time. The Panasonic Words Gear features a 5.6 inch screen with SVGA (1024x768px) resol
    Sony Reader Out in Time for Holidays HardwareZone
    New eBook Reader Features Ground-breaking Technology and Access to More Than 10,000 Titles
    Entrepreneur Blows the Lid Off the Use of Subliminal Messaging & Subconscious Responses in Marketing PR Web
    A new ebook by Martin Utian, ‘Logo-Mystique: The Subconscious Factor & Secrets to Great Marketing,’ is now available at www.logomystique.com. (PRWEB Sep 27, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/dingpr.php/Q291cC1Db3VwLVNxdWEtU3VtbS1JbnNlLVplcm8=
    Customer Experience Management Gets a Psychological Foundation PR Web
    Silverado Press announces the publication of a new book Addicted Customers: How to Get Them Hooked on Your Company. Author, John I. Todor, Ph.D. discusses the psychological principles that underlie compelling customer experiences and the business strategies to put these principles into action. It is now available in printable eBook format, with the hardcover version in bookstores and online on
    Author Mo Gilmer Announces New Online Botanical Illustrations eBook - Free PR Web
    Online Botanical Illustrations, a free eBook release in the MoPlants Garden Guides series reinvents the eBook into a shorter, well-designed tool for consumers and businesses alike. (PRWEB Sep 24, 2006) Trackback URL: http://www.prweb.com/chachingpr.php/RW1wdC1Mb3ZlLVN1bW0tSG9yci1JbnNlLVplcm8=
    No More Binders: Cancer Center Committees Go Paperless with New Oncore Module PR Web
    Three premier cancer centers have bid farewell to heavy binders, hours standing at the photocopier, paper memos, and treks across campus. This fall, they are revolutionizing the management of their Protocol Review and Monitoring Committees with something new. It's called ePRMS (Electronic Protocol Review & Monitoring System) and it is the result of a concerted effort to address a fundamental
    Become a Web Master in 14 Days, Step-By-Step Free Web Master Training Course for New Webmasters PR Web
    Maher Dosoqi, founder of LearnWay.com, has recently launched a new Web Master Training Program that is targeting new web masters, online marketers and site owners. (PRWEB Sep 29, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/zingpr.php/Q3Jhcy1Mb3ZlLUluc2UtU3VtbS1JbnNlLVplcm8=
    Author Mo Gilmer Announces New Online Botanical Illustrations eBook - Free PR Web via Yahoo! News
    Palm Springs, CA (PRWEB) September 24, 2006 -- MoPress at www.
    Sony Reader Out in Time for Holidays Broadcast Newsroom
    NEW YORK, Sept. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- The wish of avid readers and technology buffs is coming true today with the debut of the highly-anticipated Sony(R) Reader Portable Reader System.

    Authors Mission - Free eBooks for Students
    Science Ebook Library . You get all three of my eBooks and much more free just For Student and Teachers: Users of my Science-Ebooks sites know that I
    palm eBook Store: Sign In
    eBooks for Palm handhelds. My eBook Store Account Please sign in to your eBook Store account so we can access your primary credit card info and save
    palm eBook Store: Sign In
    eBooks for Palm handhelds. my preferences · my credit cards · my ebooks · my orders new customer Why do I need an eBook Store account?
    Keith Devens - Weblog: Stop Acrobat Reader from creating "My
    Acrobat Reader 6 (maybe earlier versions as well) creates a "My eBooks" folder in your "My Documents" folder, and re-creates it when it starts up if you've
    BuyMyEbook.com features the most talented, emerging authors on the Internet. Powered by EbookoMatic, the instant online ebook publisher.

    Keith Devens - Weblog: Stop Acrobat Reader from creating "My
    Acrobat Reader 6 (maybe earlier versions as well) creates a "My eBooks" folder in your "My Documents" folder, and re-creates it when it starts up if you've
    BuyMyEbook.com features the most talented, emerging authors on the Internet. Powered by EbookoMatic, the instant online ebook publisher.
    palm eBook Store: Sign In
    eBooks for Palm handhelds. my preferences · my credit cards · my ebooks · my orders new customer Why do I need an eBook Store account?
    Instant Automated eBook Delivery On Ebay - Ebook Protection Software
    My Ebook Software will help maximize your profits, minimize your expenses and fees (especially if you sell ebooks on ebay), and create a pool of hungry
    Book Club gives you "The Freedom Of Living Your Life Exactly As
    Well, that's even easier because my eBook Combo ("Up Your Income with eBooks" and "How to Design a Bookstore") have my 9 years experience selling on the
    Dissertation.com - Get Published
    Will I be able to print my eBook? Some PDF files do not permit printing. To determine whether the full eBook edition is printable, first download the 25
    "What copyright wording should I use on my ebook?" from the Ask
    Tech Support: What copyright wording should I use on my ebook?
    Complete Nikon D70 Guide by Thom Hogan
    A word about tagging for PDAs Previous to using Acrobat 7.0 to create the PDF, I constantly encountered a strange bug that rendered tagging of my eBooks


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