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    Sony Launches eBook Reader, Service PC Magazine via Yahoo! News
    Sony Corp. said Tuesday it will launch an electronic book store on the Internet and start selling a device that displays e-books purchased from the store October 1, after missing an earlier unveiling in the Spring due to technical reasons.
    New Podcasting Model Disrupts the Conference Calling Industry and Enhances Marketing and Consumption PR Web via Yahoo! News
    Solana Beach, CA (PRWEB) September 18 , 2006 – A new generation of internet savvy, content hungry, impatient, instant-gratification seeking consumers are looking to a new podcasting model as the ultimate in time shifted media consumption.
    New Podcasting Model Disrupts the Conference Calling Industry and Enhances Marketing and Consumption PR Web
    While hundreds of conference calls take place every day, hardly any are convenient to the participant’s schedule, attention span or can easily be reviewed if missed. Pioneer internet marketers are taking advantage of the growing trend of user convenience via podcasted audios. (PRWEB Sep 18, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/dingpr.php/SGFsZi1Ib3JyLVNpbmctSG9yci1JbnNlLVplcm8=
    1 Step System Allows Average Person Chance of a Lifetime with Huge Online Earnings Potential PR Web
    1 Step System has authorized free download to the general public of its informative and timely ebook on home-based business opportunity, as well as a free pass to attend an online tele-seminar that details this incredible new program. Free ebook and tele-seminar contain valuable techniques and strategies for everything from finding interested individuals to building trusted relationships while
    Cyberspace Invader Takes No Prisoners SYS-CON Media
    With the September 12 release of a new ebook, Lama Kalla, the self styled Cyberspace Invader from Adelaide, Australia has delivered a body blow to scamming internet marketers who make their money by flogging inferior products to unsuspecting 'newbie' internet marketers.
    Eight Opt-In Offers Your Visitors Can't Refuse TheStreet.com
    Look beyond newsletters in your online marketing efforts to find customers for your email list.
    Cyberspace Invader takes no prisoners Antara News
    (Full text of a statement. Contact details follow below.)
    The Blog Squad ™ Celebrates 2nd Year of Blogging with Free Prizes PR Web
    The expert blogging team of Patsi Krakoff and Denise Wakeman, known as The Blog Squad™, celebrated their 2nd year of blogging by giving away a ticket to a $5,000 marketing event and other blogging products this week. (PRWEB Sep 12, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/zingpr.php/U2luZy1UaGlyLUluc2UtWmV0YS1JbnNlLVplcm8=
    World’s Smartest Online Shopping Cart Set to Revolutionize Internet Ecommerce PR Web
    OneSmartCart.com makes it easy for your customer to do business with you. (PRWEB Sep 11, 2006)
    The Blog Squad ™ Celebrates 2nd Year of Blogging with Free Prizes PR Web via Yahoo! News
    (PRWEB) September 12, 2006 -- The Blog Squad marks their second year of business blogging.

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    Selling information products in electronic ebook format accounted for over 20% of all Internet sales this year, and it's growing.
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