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    Iconoclastic security expert The Philadelphia Inquirer
    It must say something about our times that Bruce Schneier, a geeky computer-encryption expert turned all-purpose security guru, occasionally gets recognized in public.
    Internet safety expert to speak Los Angeles Daily News
    LANCASTER — Internet safety expert Donna Rice Hughes will speak at 6 p.m. Tuesday at Park View Middle School, 808 W. Ave. J. The four Kiwanis Clubs of Antelope Valley and other organizations are sponsoring Rice Hughes' presentation with law enforcement experts.
    Porn expert in court warning Sunday Life
    An expert witness in the case of a Co Down man accused of possessing child graphy has been warned he could end up in the dock himself.
    And now, some expert advice Pioneer Press
    Dr. Joy Browne spreads the skinny on relationships. Her expert advice floods the airwaves every weekday on national women's talk radio. She dishes out advice on how to put romance back into love, how to know when to hang it up and — when that happens — how to succeed at dating when you're older than 40 and single.
    Expert: WMU on shaky ground with Bailey firing The Kalamazoo Gazette
    Western Michigan University's firing of Judith I. Bailey was a textbook example of how not to terminate a university president, an expert in presidential contracts and compensation said.
    Expert: Victim may have caused fatal crash in road rage incident Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
    Dents and paint marks suggest Jimmy Walters caused the crash last year that claimed his life, an accident reconstruction expert said Friday during the Fairbanks Superior Court trial of the man charged in Walters’ death.
    Private prison plan attacked by penal reform expert Sunday Herald
    PLANS by ministers to extend the use of private jails in Scotland have been condemned as “mistaken” and “short-sighted” by a leading expert on penal systems.
    Expert: Man executed may have been awake The Sacramento Bee
    SAN JOSE -- The state's anesthesia expert testified in federal court Friday that San Francisco killer Robert Massey may have been awake when California put him to death in 2001.
    Expert Casts Doubt on Key Evidence The Ledger
    BARTOW -- When Jim Hamilton testified Friday as a fingerprint expert for the state in the trial of mass murder defendant Nelson Serrano, he sounded more like an advocate for the defense.
    IT expert faces deportation to US BBC News
    A computer expert is to stand trial in the US over allegations he imported ingredients for a date rape drug.

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    A person may well be an expert in one field and a layperson in many other fields. The concepts of experts and expertise are debated within the field of
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