The lost duky of Lothenia

"Inter montes altissimos erat terra qua Lotenia appellabantur, et nulla de illa res venibat nisi aurum et inedia..." (Between the highest mountains was the country we call Lothenia, and from it came nothing but starvation and gold); so begins a chapter of the Chronaca Venantii, written in Gorhad around 1828, the last text ever to describe this country. It continues:" ...and in this rocky, cold land, lived people that seemed Clenii of a shorter stock, which fought and oppressed each other, as Clenii ever do, from the very start of things. But as they submitted and paid tribute to the Emperor, the gods forgave their faults, and Trick gave them more gold and gems of every type, and colour and size with his right hand, while he gave them still more hunger and the great cave giants, and plagues of spiders to torment them with his left.
But in the Dark Ages, when all the rebels left our righteous empire, the kin of Lothenia grew iniquitous, with nobles living in more and more luxury and a whole people forced to live under ground, as dwarves do, or filthy creatures, until the fury of the gods was abated on them and neither metals nor people ever crossed the Grey Boulders again. We do not know what has been of them and this is how it should be, since men were not meant to dabble with divine wrath..."