Who are we ?






The SKIF Family is present in the world since 1978, and in Belgium since 1981,

when Kanazawa Kancho came to give a course in a city close to Verviers in april,

and later around october Koga Shihan also gave a training course.


Wa-Go-Karatedo  Kyokai is currently a private and independent npo (ASD) Dojo

run by Rikuta KOGA Hanshi’s loyal students since 1981,

and was previously part of the Wa-go-Budo Club since 1974 (until this Dojo closed).


The main spirit inside Wa-go-Karatedo Kyokai has always been to try to keep a family atmosphere.

Every body who joins, get a considered and warm welcome.

The Sempai are also aware of helping the new ones, so that they can feel at home quite quickly.


Finally we also think it is important to teach and to pass on

the Karatedo in a way that the tradition of Budo is purely kept,

but also in a way that allows everybody despite the age or

physical condition to participate and to enjoy the trainings.


Our main goal is that our trainings bring to the children

a good opportunity to develop their body and spirit in harmony,

and to the adults that they find or find back their physical condition

and discover the beauty of Budo.