I N     M E M O R I A M


v     NORIO KAWASOE Shihan

8th dan S.K.I.F. , Chief Instructor SKIF Austria

with deepest regret we have to inform you, that Norio Kawasoe shihan (8th Dan, Chief Instructor Austria)
on Sunday, March 17th, 2013 lost his fight against his severe illness.

Kawasoe shihan finished Takushoku University at the age of 22 graded 3rd Dan.
1975 he travelled to several European countries and held training sessions.
1976 he settled in Austria and started as Chief Instructor of the Austrian Federation.
In countless seminars and trainings he instructed thousands of students.
He was also generously and repeatedly invited by numerous European S.K.I.-federations.

He was not only an incredible Karatedoka and Master, but also a close friend for 32 years…

We are gratefully looking back to the time when we had the possibility to learn traditional Karate-Do from Kawasoe shihan.
It is a major honor for us to continue the work following his spirit.

He truly is the example of a perfect Karatedoka.








v     Davide TONA,

Shodan S.K.I.F. from SKIF Brussels and Wa-go-Karatedo Kyokai


Le décès accidentel de Davide TONA, survenu brutalement en ce mois d’aout 2002, alors qu'il effectuait un stage

dans une réserve naturelle en Sicile, nous a plongés dans une stupeur douloureuse.

Davide nous est enlevé à un moment où sa vie commençait à se déployer pleinement.

Il a sans cesse apporté une qualité rare dans toutes les relations, une infinie humanité,

et tant d’autres qualités qui resteront dans nos cœurs pour toujours grâce à lui.

Arrivé au Dojo dans le début des années 1980, il est resté présent et fidèle à ses convictions.

Ayant terminé ses études avec succès, il avait repris depuis un peu plus d’un an la pratique assidue du Karatedo,

et était devenu rapidement, sans l'avoir voulu, un moteur et un exemple pour tout les autres élèves,

tant ses qualités intrinsèques d’intelligence et de sensibilité, alliées à une immense  générosité,

et à un labeur aussi inlassable que discret le désignaient pour occuper dans le futur une des toutes premières places.

Restent nos souvenirs, témoins d'un être unique par sa générosité, sa clarté pénétrante et sa large ouverture,

un être rayonnant qui restera infiniment présent dans le coeur de ceux qui l'ont connu et aimé.

La morte accidentale di Davide TONA, sopraggiunta brutalmente in questo mese di Agosto 2002,

durante un periodo di Stage in una riserva naturale in Sicilia, ci ha fatto cadere in un doloroso stupore.

Davide ci è stato portato via nel momento in cui la sua vita cominciava a svilupparsi pienamente.

Ha sempre apportato una rara qualità in tutte le relazioni, una infinita umanità, e tante altre qualità

che resteranno nei nostri cuori per sempre grazie a lui.

Arrivato al Dojo agli inizi degli anni  1980, è rimasto presente e fedele alle sue convinzioni.

Avendo terminato i suoi studi con successo, aveva ripreso da poco più di un anno la pratica assidua del Karatedo,

e rapidamente era diventato, senza volerlo, un motore ed un esempio per tutti gli altri allievi,

tanto le sue qualità intrinseche di intelligenza e di sensibilità, uniti ad una immensa generosità,

e ad un lavoro sia indefesso che discreto lo designavano per occupare nel futuro uno dei primi posti.

Restano i nostri ricordi, a testimonianza di un essere unico per la sua generosità, la sua chiarezza penetrante

e la sua grande ampiezza di vedute che resterà infinitamente presente nel cuore di quelli che lo hanno conosciuto e amato.

The accidental death of Davide Tona, that happened unexpectedly this august 2002,


during a stage in a natural reserve in Sicily, left us totally without breath.


Davide was taken away from us, in a moment when his life was just starting.


He was always caring so much for the quality of his relation with people, demonstrating an infinite humanity,


and a all lot of other qualities that will stay in our hearts for always, thanks to him.


He arrived in the Dojo in the beginning of the years 1980, and he always remained true to his friends


and convictions. He had just finished studying, and had started to train again after being graduated,


a little bit more than a year ago, and he rapidly became, without willing, one of the “engines” of the dojo


and an example figure for the other students, thanks to his intrinsic qualities of intelligence,


sensibility, together with an immense generosity, and a non-stop discreet working spirit that would


surely bring him, in the future, to one of the leading positions.


The memories remaining are those, of a unique person full of generosity, a penetrating clear and pure spirit,


an open minded and bright human being that will forever stay in the heart of those who knew and loved him.