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Animal Planet to show ugly dog contest clip The Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Animal Planet is about to get ugly. The cable television network will broadcast a segment tonight featuring the 18th Annual World's Ugliest Dog Contest held in June at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma.
Web search: Gone to the dogs Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune
Hmm, this is odd. Last week, I featured websites with off-kilter humor about cats, such as kitties that look like Adolf Hitler, and a cat named Jeff whose human pals chronicle everything he kills in photos and videos. I promised then to come back with similar dog sites. There just aren't as many. What does that tell you about dogs and their owners? * * Again, please save your "yeah, but" e-mails,
Today's Highlights Calendarlive.com
* Camryn Manheim, left, joins Jennifer Love Hewitt on "Ghost Whisperer," 8 p.m., CBS.
'Nature will continue with or without us' rediff.com
It is heartning to see your coverage on the sad demise of an elephant. We need to be more caring towards the wild life whithout which the planet will be colourless. The protection needs at all level with involvement of common public,NGO & Govt.
Remote Patrol Richmond.com
This week on TV: the Saints return to the Superdome for the first time since Katrina and 'Heroes' is finally served up.
RAF 'useless' at protecting ground troops The Scotsman
A BRITISH Army major serving in Afghanistan has condemned the RAF as "utterly, utterly useless" at protecting troops on the ground.
Miami Fiesta an exciting weekend Apache Moccasin
A Mexican mercado, Mexican music, Mexican food, Mexican dancers, Mexican racing dogs and more - it all adds up to a grand fiesta on Saturday, Sept. 16, at Miami Memorial Park.
Which dogs will be top of the crosses? The Evening Telegraph
DOG owners in Peterborough are out to prove that beauty is in the eye of the beholder when their loveable mutts compete to find the most talented and good-looking crossbreeds.
Farewell Ann Herald Democrat
Farewell, Governor Ann, the world loses a lot of color, fun and pure brain power with your passing. Ann Richards was famous for her wit; even the subjects of her jokes seemed to appreciate the humor. She was at her best when she turned the joke on herself.
Top Searches Football365.com
The Joy Of Being A Newcastle Fan As I was making my way out of the Leazes End on Saturday afternoon, I had the pleasure of talking to a couple of Fulham fans about the debacle we'd just witnessed.

Sonoma-Marin Fair 2006
Miss Ellie would like to win the World's Ugliest Dog contest. She would be proud to wear the crown and speak out for ugly dogs everywhere.
Sonoma-Marin Fair 2006
Archie, 2006 World's Ugliest Dog Contest Winner Sonoma-Marin Fair, Petaluma Click here to see a video of the World's Ugliest Dog Contest.
CNN.com - 'Ugly dog' Sam dies at 14 - Nov 22, 2005
'Ugly dog' Sam dies at 14. Canine gained celebrity as winner of ugliest to be filmed for a Discovery Channel series on the world's ugliest species.
'World's ugliest' dog dies at 14 - Other Pet News - MSNBC.com
Sam, the tiny dog whose hairless body and crooked teeth earned him a reputation as the World’s Ugliest Dog, has died.
Sam & Susie's Blog
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go to this website and vote for your choice from entrants for this year's World's Ugliest Dog Contest! They will make you laugh and

'World's ugliest' dog dies at 14 - Other Pet News - MSNBC.com
Sam, the tiny dog whose hairless body and crooked teeth earned him a reputation as the World’s Ugliest Dog, has died.
Sonoma-Marin Fair 2006
Archie, 2006 World's Ugliest Dog Contest Winner Sonoma-Marin Fair, Petaluma Click here to see a video of the World's Ugliest Dog Contest.
Sam & Susie's Blog
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go to this website and vote for your choice from entrants for this year's World's Ugliest Dog Contest! They will make you laugh and
A Welsh View: World's Ugliest Dog
Here's a picture of the world's ugliest dog that I posted about in yesterday's Update (09/04/06): Go and vote for the new 'World's Ugliest Dog".
SAM, World's Ugliest Dog by Susie Lockheed (Calendar) in
SAM, World's Ugliest Dog by Susie Lockheed (Calendar) in : SAM is the three time, undefeated winner of the World's Ugliest Dog contest.
Orlando Sentinel - World's Ugliest Dog by Orlando Sentinel Deputy
The World's Ugliest Dog Competition moves to prime time tonight. Check out the contestants at animal.discovery.com/beyond but be prepared for lots of ads.
Sam: Beloved Ugly, Owner Of World's Ugliest Dog Winner On What
He has the teeth of Austin Powers, the eyes of a space alien, no hair, and lots of moles, and yet, he is a winner -- of "The World's Ugliest Dog Contest,"
World's Ugliest Dog Contest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The World's Ugliest Dog Contest is is an annual contest at the Sonoma-Marin Scandal erupted during the 2006 World's Ugliest Dog Contest when an as yet

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