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The Fox and the Hound
(1981) Starring: Mickey Rooney , Pearl Bailey Directors: Art Stevens , Ted Berman Synopsis: A kit fox and a puppy are raised together and become close friends. The canine is taken away to be trained as a hunting dog, and later the two friends meet in the roles of hunter and hunted.
Doughnut-hunting dog blamed for fire New Hampshire Union Leader
A family of five was displaced from its home yesterday after the family dog started a fire by turning on the toaster while trying to get to a box of doughnuts.
Laliberte-Bailey: Beware 'designer dog' myth The Sun Chronicle
Sunday, October 8, 2006 11:39 PM CDT While my husband was recently home on leave from Iraq, we spent time together doing our favorite things. We, like most Americans, revel in being a part of the in-crowd of style.
Young guns hold future of hunting Great Falls Tribune
Researchers identify five stages in the evolution of the hunter, and they say it's crucial that children begin hunting at an early age to keep them interested.
Kidnap suspect was hunting lost dog Connecticut Post
MILFORD — A woman who police said last week may have attempted to abduct an 11-year-old boy was actually trying to find a lost dog when she asked for the youth's help, officials said Thursday.
Coyote Country: The Dog-Size Nocturnal Predators Have Been Here for Decades. Despite a Recent Attack, Residents Need RedNova
By Mike Urban, Reading Eagle, Pa. Oct. 9--Watching old cartoons of Wile E. Coyote getting foiled by his defective Acme contraptions and a speedy roadrunner is the closest contact most people have had with coyotes.
Pheasant-hunting buddies creating memories for next generations Pioneer Press
Aging is not kind to pheasant hunters. The knees get achy. The eyesight weakens. The heart tires. When you get into your 70s and 80s, your best hunting buddies start to die. And maybe your heart really isn't into chasing roosters anymore.
Firemen fetch canine The Natchez Democrat
VIDALIA — Tears welled up in Rebecca Butler’s eyes Saturday, as her neighbor, Tina Thompson, brought Butler’s dog Major to her after being rescued from her burning house at 101 Miranda Drive.
Thus far, deer hunt is mildly successful Daily Local News
EAST BRADFORD -- In order to reduce the deer population, the township has elected to allow bow hunting on their most wooded tracts of open space.
All sound, fury, and popular entertainment: one decade on, Fox is top dog in the ratings Belfast Telegraph
It is the night of the Bush-Gore presidential election in 2000, perhaps the weirdest of all moments in America’s recent political history.

Gun Dog Supply
FREE SHIPPING on dog training collars from Tritronics, Sportdog, Innotek, DT Systems, Petsafe & Dogtra . Gun Dog Supply. Since 1972.
North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Home Page
Dedicated to preserving, improving and promoting versatile hunting dogs by sponsoring training and testing programs throughout North America.
Hunting Dogs
Outdoor Life - The Source for Hunting and Fishing Adventure.
Dog Supplies, Dog training equipment, Dog Products –
Gun Dogs Online - Publication dedicated to the Gun Dog enthusiast. Dog Supplies, Training Articles, Classified Ads, Dog Training Products.
Gun Dog & Hunting Dog Training Supplies, Tritronics Innotek
Hunting dog training supplies; Innotek & Tritronics dog training collars. Gun dog training supplies, electronic collars, bark collars, pet containment

Hunting Dogs
Outdoor Life - The Source for Hunting and Fishing Adventure.
Dog Supplies, Dog training equipment, Dog Products –
Gun Dogs Online - Publication dedicated to the Gun Dog enthusiast. Dog Supplies, Training Articles, Classified Ads, Dog Training Products.
Gun Dog & Hunting Dog Training Supplies, Tritronics Innotek
Hunting dog training supplies; Innotek & Tritronics dog training collars. Gun dog training supplies, electronic collars, bark collars, pet containment
Bird Dog & Retriever News
An extensive hunting and dog site. Classified ads, message forums, calendar of events.
Welcome to the American Hunting Dog Club Home Page
American Hunting Dog club.
The Hunting Dog Web Ring
Hunting Dog Web Ring & German Wirehaired Pointer(AKA Deutsh Drahthar) Homepage.
Gun dog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bird dog training varies among breeds and handlers, but methodologies are usually similar to the following: Training for hunting can begin soon after a pup
Lycaon pictus (African Hunting Dog)
The African hunting dogs' scientific name, Lycaon pictus, reflects the color of their pelage Each African hunting dog pack has a dominant breeding pair.

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