TV show exposes lawmakers' drug use Reuters via Yahoo! News
A popular Italian satirical TV show has exposed what appears to be widespread drug use among the country's parliamentarians by secretly testing them for a number of illegal substances.
School raises funds for helper dog Eagle-Tribune Online
NEWBURYPORT - Bresnahan fourth-grader Eoin Robertson wants a dog. "Where's my dog?" he asks his mother Cynthia each day when she picks him up from school.
Dog trainer leads David Letterman around on show Troy Eccentric
On Tuesday, Vladae Roytapel of Troy was just your average dog wizard.
Dogs, owners flock to show Lompoc Record
Holding his head high and prancing around the arena, 2-year-old Danny, an English cocker spaniel, took one step closer to becoming an American Kennel Club Champion Sunday at the Santa Maria Valley Kennel Club dog show.
Iraq, Foley dog the GOP in a key race The Christian Science Monitor
In Philadelphia's suburbs, the contest for the Seventh Congressional District is a dead heat, polls show.
Fairground hosts fine arts and craft show Bozeman Daily Chronicle
Spirit of Montana, a fine arts and craft show, will be Saturday, Oct. 14, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds.
'Scooby-Doo' show coming to Paramount The Huntington Herald-Dispatch
ASHLAND -- Long before Spongebob, Dora and the bevy of animated pals that entertain our children on television, there was a beloved dog and his mystery-solving gang. Now, producers are bringing Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne and Fred to life in "Scooby-Doo in Stagefright - Live on Stage!"
A dog's lucky day The Wichita Eagle
Sam sat calmly in Sedgwick County Park on Saturday -- one dog in the middle of a big dog party, a Kansas Humane Society fundraiser called Woofstock. In a sea of dogs, some wearing hats and colorful costumes, Sam the golden retriever wore a plain cotton vest that said "I'm adoptable." Just days ago, at age 6, Sam's owner had given him up for adoption, handing him over to the Humane Society. The
Entitlement mongers at it again WorldNet Daily
The slavery reparations dog and pony show has been carted out again – not that it has gone away since certain nefarious ghouls have decided they just might cash in big-time on it.
New statistics show alcohol violations up at UT News 8 Austin
AUSTIN New crime statistics show alcohol violations have increased 28 percent on the University of Texas campus from 2004 to 2005. FULL STORY >> 10/9/2006 3:16 PM
the Kennel Club | Meet the Kennel Club
Crufts is the world's greatest dog-show, organized by The Kennel Club UK. Includes Crufts 2001 information and highlights of previous year's shows.
The Show Dog Game
Allows users to raise and breed virtual show dogs while competing in shows with other virtual kennels. Free registration required to join.
Dog show - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conformation show, the most-common meaning of "dog show", in which dogs are rated for how well their appearance conforms to a standard; Obedience trial (see
American Kennel Club - A Beginner's Guide to Dog Shows
Showing dogs is a great sport where the thrill of competition is combined with the joy of seeing beautiful dogs. Dog shows are one of many types of AKC dog
Dog Shows and Activities
Guide to the best websites for all kinds of dog shows, trials and activities.
Dog show - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conformation show, the most-common meaning of "dog show", in which dogs are rated for how well their appearance conforms to a standard; Obedience trial (see
American Kennel Club - A Beginner's Guide to Dog Shows
Showing dogs is a great sport where the thrill of competition is combined with the joy of seeing beautiful dogs. Dog shows are one of many types of AKC dog
Dog Shows and Activities
Guide to the best websites for all kinds of dog shows, trials and activities.
Jack Bradshaw - Dog Show Superintendents
Covering California and Arizona. Show judging programs, catalogs, premiums and online entry for future shows. Also has dates for club matches and meetings.
Jim Rau Dog Shows Online Office
Show results and judging programs. Has a printable entry form, but no online entry available.
InfoDog Dog Show Calendar
The InfoDog Dog Show Calendar provides results information for shows within the past 6 months and information on shows scheduled within the next 60 weeks.
The Westminster Kennel Club | 2005 Show Information
The Westminster Kennel Club 129th Annual Dog Show Monday and Tuesday, February 14-15, 2005 Madison Square Garden Pennsylvania Plaza