Excerpt 'A Good Dog' USA Today
Excerpt 'A Good Dog'
Dog-crate escape inmate asks for new attorney Lawrence Journal-World
An inmate accused of escaping from the Lansing Correctional Facility by hiding in a dog crate has asked for a new attorney.
Kan. inmate accused of dog-crate escape asks for new attorney KSHB-TV Kansas City
LEAVENWORTH, Kan. (AP) – An inmate accused of escaping from the Lansing Correctional Facility by hiding in a dog crate has asked for a new attorney. Leavenworth County Attorney Frank Kohl said he had been ready to proceed with a preliminary hearing Wednesday for John Michael Manard.
Dog crate doubles as fine furniture The Cincinnati Post
Aside from the comforts they provide our cherished pets, dog crates aren't so great. They're ugly, obtrusive and do nothing for the look of a living room.
Making the move easier on your pets Albany Democrat-Herald
Moving with pets is a real challenge, even if it’s just across town. I recently found this out the hard way, transporting a dog, an aquarium and several rabbits from one end of Corvallis to the other.
Dance to benefit young cancer patient Eagle-Tribune Online
DERRY - Samantha Gibbs, 4, looked serious yesterday as she sat on her grandmother's couch. She puckered up her chin, and cast her big blue eyes down at the rug, even when her grandmother's Pekingese, Cody, danced on his hind legs.
Pets of the Week The Times of Northwest Indiana
Damien is a 1-year-old medium-size male shepherd mix. He's housebroken and good with kids and other dogs. Adopt him from the Humane Society Northwest Indiana.
Lansing escapee wants new legal representation 49 ABC News Topeka
An inmate accused of escaping from a state prison in a dog crate wants a new attorney.
Students bike for bucks Daily Tribune
HIBBING — Assumption students Emily Enich, 10, and Sara Hoag, 6, discovered the secret to successfully completing a 10-mile trek around North Hibbing on Saturday morning — it was doing it together.
Readers tell us about the crazy antics of their pets The Toledo Blade
As a welcome gift on the day she was adopted by the Rockman family back in
Dog Crates and Cages
Dog Crates, dog crates and cages. Your pet will love the comfort of our folding wire and plastic dog crates and cages. Our soft side dog crates are great
Crate Training
A dog crate is a cage made of wire or molded plastic. As your dog sees it, the crate is a room of his very own - a "security blanket".
Dog Owner's Guide: Dog Crates I
The crate is a multi-purpose piece of dog paraphernelia. Looking for more information about Dog Crates, Your New Puppy, Manners & training and Survival
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Manufacture and sales of covers and pads for crates.
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