Guides : TAX LAWS

how taxes work
fatelo girare anche voi! How Taxes Work . . . This is a VERY simple way to understand the tax laws. Read on — it does make you think!! Let’s put tax cuts in terms everyone can understand. Suppose that every day, ten men go out for dinner. The
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Property-tax freeze gets cold shoulder Denver Post
Gov. Bill Ritter unveiled a plan Tuesday to freeze property tax rates across the state to shore up public school funding - a move that critics call an unconstitutional grab of taxpayer dollars.
U.S. Tax Agent Accused of Trying to Cheat the Government on His Taxes SmartPros Accounting
March 14, 2007 (Associated Press) NEW YORK - A federal tax agent was arrested on charges that he engaged in tax fraud, finding ways for him and others to dodge taxes by claiming that their income was offset by deductions belonging to a company he operated out of his home.
House votes to raise tax on cigarettes $1 per pack The Des Moines Register
The tax on cigarettes will nearly quadruple, and the tax on cigars, pipe tobacco and snuff will a little more than double.
Senate pushes tax reform plan Sarasota Herald-Tribune
TALLAHASSEE -- The Senate is ready to move forward with the first phase of its property tax relief plan, but conspicuously absent from the proposal is any mention of a sales tax, which is a key feature of the House plan.
Tax Scam? New York IRS Agent Is Arrested AP via Yahoo! Finance
An Internal Revenue Service agent was arrested Monday on charges that he engaged in tax fraud, finding ways for him and others to dodge taxes by claiming that their income was offset by deductions belonging to a company he operated out of his home.
US Senate Democrats: Congress Must Pay for Bush Tax Cuts Nasdaq
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- Under a five-year balanced-budget plan to be released Wednesday by Senate Democrats, Congress will have to come up with $400 billion over the next five years if it wants to make President George W. Bush's tax cuts permanent.
Fletcher to seek passage of conservation tax credits News Democrat & Leader
Governor Ernie Fletcher has announced that he will urge immediate adoption of land conservation and wildlife recreation laws encouraging private landowners to voluntarily provide public access to private property for fishing, hunting and wildlife recreation.
Veto threat hangs over income tax cut The State
House leaders plan to push a proposed income-tax cut this week despite a threatened veto by Gov. Mark Sanford, whose concerns about legislators’ methods exceed his desire for a reduced rate.
Don't Raise Gas Tax Without Reforms Cato Institute
Maryland Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller has become the highest-ranking state official to call for an increase in the state's gas tax.
IRS agent charged with leading tax scam AP via Yahoo! News
An Internal Revenue Service agent has been arrested on suspicion of trying to find ways for himself and others to dodge income tax+laws