Wage and Salary Laws: Arizona Minimum Wage Rate
Arizona's 2007 minimum wage law has only been on the books for a short time, so no one can tell what the long-term ramifications will be for Arizona. We can look at other states, such as Washington and Oregon, and see their results.
Southern Poverty Law Center finds guest worker program close to
Guestworker programs should not be a mechanism to drive wages down to the minimum wage. Congress should eliminate the barriers that prevent guestworkers from receiving workers' compensation benefits. Workers currently must navigate a
The State Against Economic Law: the Case of Minimum Wage Legislation
To the extent that the minimum-wage law has contributed to wage rates and prices being higher than they otherwise would be, it is responsible for unemployment, despite the fact that more people work today than at any time in the past.
We've become a nation of digital scarlet letters.
Rachel, now clean, is stuck with minimum-wage jobs while trying to clear her offense record. 'Information can never be bad' Firms that provide background checks say they have a duty to provide the maximum amount of information in
"Minimum-wage laws are the enemy of the disadvantaged"
Via the Von Mises Institute, George Reisman demolishes the arguments of minimum wage advocates. Warning: those offended by rationality and common sense enter at your own risk. The London Fog is not responsible for any worker's uprisings
Governor gets wage bill
FRANKFORT -- A bill that would give Kentucky's minimum wage workers their first raise in 10 years is on its way to becoming law
Campaigns, guns and other notes from the diaper set
That's pretty fitting because Edwards has framed much of his anti-poverty message as a civil rights issue, particularly when speaking of the minimum wage and collective bargaining rights. Of course, not everyone digs Edwards.
Fed-Ex Socialism
Workers need minimum wage and health and safety laws because they're incapable of fighting for decent pay and conditions themselves. They need a nanny state as they can't choose correctly how to live their lives.
Independent Voices Episode Guide
Episode 11 (June 2006): Featuring a talk entitled, “Inequality Matters†by Boston-based United for Fair Economy speaker Meizhu Lui; highlights of a rally to increase the minimum wage in North Carolina; and an interview with Pakistani
Minimum Wage Hypocrisy
While I would be in favor of including American Samoa into the minimum wage law, it is not how that territory determines it minimum wage. It is actually determined by a multi-industry committee. Each industry has its own minimum wage

MINIMUM WAGE LAW OF 1964 Act 154 of 1964
408.381 Minimum wage law of 1964; short title. Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the “minimum wage law of 1964”. History: 1964, Act 154,
Guarantees a minimum wage of $6.50 per hour for workers 18 years of age and older; workers under 18 See the law, 820 ILCS 105/1-15 (Legislative Website)
PDF995, Job 2
The Minimum Wage Law establishes a minimum wage rate for all covered workers. The Minimum Wage Law does not apply to the following: employers who employ
CBC News In Depth: Economy
Millions of Canadian workers are not covered by minimum wage laws. Self-employed workers, independent contractors, students in training programs,
CCH Business Owner's Toolkit | State Minimum Wage Laws
Sometimes individual states set minimum wages either above or below the federal minimum wage. In some cases, a state's minimum wage will vary by the type of
Ohio Handicapped Minimum Wage Law
In an effort to open employment doors for disabled individuals and to safeguard the Ohio minimum wage laws, the Director of the Ohio Department of Commerce
Understanding National Minimum Wage law | Business Link
The National Minimum Wage (NMW) is a legal right which covers almost all workers in the UK. It became law on 1 April 1999 to prevent unduly low pay and also - Minimum wage laws multiply in states
This year's election could bring a watershed in the nearly 70-year history of the federal minimum wage: For the first time, a majority of states could
US CODE: Title 29206. Minimum wage
The minimum wage rate thus established shall not exceed the rate prescribed in paragraph (1) of this Study law abroad: Cornell Paris Institute
Wage & Hour
RSA 279 Minimum Wage Law This link is to a page outside of the NH DOL web site. NH DOL. New Hampshire Administrative Rule Chapter Lab 800 Payment of Wages minimum+wage+laws: minimum+wage+laws