Guides : MARIAGE

France: High Court Voids First Gay Marriage New York Times
The Court of Cassation, France?s highest appeals court, rejected as unlawful the first marriage by a couple in France and annulled the men?s union. Stéphane Chapin, at left in photo, 36, and Bertrand Charpentier, 33, were married by the mayor of Bègles in the southwest in June 2004. The government immediately said the union was outside the law, and a series of court decisions unfavorable to
French high court rejects marriage AP via Yahoo! News
France's highest court Tuesday rejected as unlawful the first marriage by a couple in France, annulling the union of the two men.
Catholic politicians must oppose marriage: Pope Reuters via Yahoo! News
The Church's opposition to marriage is "non-negotiable" and Catholic politicians have a moral duty to oppose it, as well as laws on abortion and euthanasia, Pope Benedict said in a document issued on Tuesday.
Pope: Gay marriage non-negotiable
VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Benedict XVI on Tuesday reiterated the Church's ban on Communion for divorced Catholics who remarry and told Catholic politicians that the Vatican's stance against abortion and marriage is "not negotiable."
Same- Marriage Now Illegal in France Gay Wired
Same- marriage is now illegal in France, the Web site reports. France’s government had previously said in 2004 that the marriage of Stephane Charpin and Bertrang Charpentier was not legal, but today’s decision is the last word.
Committee scuttles bill to bar clergy's role in marriage rites The Lewiston Sun Journal
AUGUSTA (AP) - A legislative committee wasted little time Tuesday before killing a bill to bar members of Maine's clergy from performing marriage ceremonies, following a hearing on the measure in which even the sponsor acknowledged the bill appeared doomed.
Pope stands ground on abortion, 'marriage' The Washington Times
VATICAN CITY -- Pope Benedict XVI yesterday set out "nonnegotiable values" as he urged Catholic lawmakers to oppose laws favoring divorce, abortion, homoual "marriage" and euthanasia.
Gay Marriage Gains May Not Yet Produce Law The New York Sun
ALBANY — Although support for marriage is gaining in the Legislature, lawmakers are unlikely to pass a bill this year granting legal recognition to same- unions. An increasing number of Democratic lawmakers in the Senate and the Assembly have indicated they would vote to allow couples to wed, but opposition is strong in the Republican-controlled Senate, a roadblock that won't
France's Top Appeals Court Finds Same- Marriage Is Invalid
March 13 (Bloomberg) -- France's top appeals court ruled same- marriage to be invalid, confirming a regional tribunal's decision to overturn the country's only such union.
Senegalese Villages Fight Against Forced Child Marriage Voice of America
In parts of rural Africa, some parents force their daughters to marry as young as eight-years-old. This is so there is no chance the girls can get pregnant before marriage, and ruin the families' honor. Other times, it is to secure the bond between two families., tout pour organiser son mariage : faire-part, robes
Tout pour organiser son mariage : faire-part, robes de mariée, décoration mariage, deco mariage, déco tables mariages, animation, salles, traiteurs,
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Devis gratuit envoyé à tous les prestataires de mariage,d'anniversaire,toute soiree et evenement de votre region avec animation dj,salle de mariage,clown - planifiez le Mariage parfait
Créez votre espace personnalisé, et utilisez nos outils exclusifs de planification de Mariage. Planifiez le Mariage parfait. Le Vôtre !
Site Internet public consacré au mariage civil
Présentation et legislation du mariage civil en France.
Mariage - Wikipédia
Le mariage est une union à durée indéfinie qui ne s'achève qu'avec le divorce ou L'Église catholique considère que le mariage purement civil entre deux
Mariage -
Demande relative à la contribution aux charges du mariage. Cerfa n°11525*01. Ministère de la justice. *, Certificat prénuptial. Cerfa n°10345*01
Mariage -, l'univers féminin du Figaro.
Robe, alliances, traiteur, thème, décoration florale Découvrez les astuces des mariages des lectrices. Et retrouvez toutes les nouveautés, idées,
Mariage en Suisse: toute son organisation
Renseignements sur le mariage en Suisse. Adresses utiles, liens, questions-réponses. le site du mariage en Belgique. mariage wallonie vous propose toutes les adresses et site pour votre mariage - conseils et boutique mariage en ligne - faire part mariage - anniversaire mariage
Mariage frères
Mariage Frères - Maison de Thé à Paris depuis 1854. Thés raffinés et de qualités exclusives. mariage: mariage novembre 2006 | anniversaire de mariage | mariage novembre 2006 | anniversaire de mariage | mariage