Selmi on the Supreme Court's ADA Jurisprudence
Via Paul Secunda, I see that Mike Selmi's piece on the ADA, Interpreting the Americans with Disabilities Act: A Case Study in Pragmatic Judicial Reconstruction, is on SSRN. The abstract:. This article challenges the prevailing academic
Despite Texas prison overcrowding, Criminal Jurisprudence keeps
While some in the Legislature recognize that it's time to shift gears away from mass incarceration, especially for low-level offenders, so far Criminal Jurisprudence isn't doing its part to reduce Texas prison and jail populations.
Mormon Jurisprudence and Apostasy
A few years ago, Nate O. wrote a fun piece regarding the non-existence of mormon jurisprudence. The purpose of the post was to discuss various reasons for the absence of rabbinical-style exposition in the mormon faith, and to theorize
Jurisprudence of Artilects: Blueprint for a Synthetic Citizen
Read "Jurisprudence of Artilects: Blueprint for a Synthetic Citizen" by Frank W. Sudia, JD
Jurisprudence - 3/14/2007
Time: 1:30 PM or upon adjournmentor upon adjournment, Location: E1.012 (Hearing Room
Joyner's Jurisprudence
One of the most troubling aspects of the lacrosse case has been the decision of the state NAACP to adopt positions at odds with a 70 years’ legacy on criminal justice matters, on issues ranging from changes of venue in racially charged
Ninth Circuit jettisons three decades of equal access jurisprudence
arguing that the religious speech is categorically different than secular speech and should only be analyzed under the Free Exercise Clause and the Establishment Clause, without any regard to free speech jurisprudence.
Speaker's race drama already spilling over into Criminal
Edinburg's Aaron Peña got the chairmanship of the Criminal Jurisprudence Committee he wanted, but one of his new committee members, Robert Talton, already has defiantly declared he won't attend the meetings. As quoted by Peggy Fikac on
Comment on American Jurisprudence Is Boring by Sobek
Thing is, most people can’t possibly keep an eye on them. I have a link to their decisions as they come down, but they hand down so many every day that there’s no way for me to stay on top of it. Much easier to read the SCOTUS opinions,
Libby and American Jurisprudence Over the Years
Salem Witch Trials (May–October 1692) American colonial persecutions for witchcraft. In the town of Salem, Massachusetts Bay Colony, several young girls, stimulated by supernatural tales told by a West Indian slave, claimed to be

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Pouvoir Judiciaire de Genève - Jurisprudence
Dans ce qui suit, le terme de jurisprudence genevoise désigne l'ensemble des Fiches de jurisprudence (fiches descriptives sans contenu intégral des
Jurisprudence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Modern jurisprudence and philosophy of law is dominated today primarily by Western Fiqh is the term for Islamic jurisprudence, made up of the rulings of
Cour européenne des Droits de l'Homme - Jurisprudence
Jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des Droits de l'homme : accès à la base de données HUDOC ; objet et effets des arrêts, listes d'affaires de droit
SOQUIJ - Jurisprudence des tribunaux judiciaires et administratifs
Éditeur juridique spécialisé en jurisprudence des tribunaux judiciaires et administratifs du Québec: banques en ligne AZIMUT cédéroms, recueils et autres jurisprudence: jurisprudence fiscale | recherche de jurisprudence | jurisprudence fiscale | recherche de jurisprudence | jurisprudence