Islam: Divorce by Text Message Okay! Celebrities flock to Dubai
He also declared that religious authorities could judge the divorce over a mobile phone. Islamic law only requires that a husband repeat the phrase "I divorce you" three times for a marriage to end. The Jawa Report suspects this is
Introducing Islam 101
Marriage, divorce, and child care Food and drink (including ritual slaughtering and hunting) Penal punishments War and peace Judicial matters (including witnesses and forms of evidence). As one may see, there are few aspects of life
Deprogramming a Friend part 2
Next step, convince you of good things that Islam brings to your life. “Don’t you love the brotherhood at Friday prayer?” “Islam gave women the right to initiate divorce.” Once you cave into the first few appetizers, it’s easy to fall
Winds of War: And How Many Angels Can Dance on the Head of a Pin?
"Divorce through this modern way is not different from using a pen and a paper," he said. In Islam, if a husband seriously and verbally tells his wife "you are divorced", they should be separated even without a formal certification of
Women In Islam versus Judaeo-Christian Tradition The Myth & The
Divorce is not to be resorted to except when there is no other way out. In a nutshell, Islam recognises divorce, yet it discourages it by all means. Let us focus on the recognition side first. Islam does recognise the right of both
Islam: Divorce by Text Message Okay! Celebrities flock to Dubai
Dubai’s Grand Mufti Allows Text Message Divorce
Muslim authorities in Dubai on Thursday confirmed that a Muslim divorce can be carried out via a mobile phone text message or SMS. The country’s Grand Mufti, Ahmed al-Haddad, who issued a fatwa to this effect, noted: “Islamic clerics
Islam Respecting the Ladies Again: Divorce By Text Message
Not so much… They’ve decided that tradition can be merged with technology by allowing a man to divorce his wife by cellular text messaging or SMS. Great, huh? What a peaceful, respectful, liberating religion. Riiiiight
The Polyandry Fatwa
some think will soon be followed by the ulema of other countries, women here have the option of taking a second husband, even if they do not want to divorce the first one. Polygamy in Islam has traditionally been a male prerogative.
Divorce/Separation Laws In Islam
I am seeking some sound islamic advice on this subject with reference to the Qur’an and/or Sahih Hadith of the Prophet (PBUH). All I know is that a husband and wife should try their best to cure whatever ails their marriage and come

La Page de l'Islam - Le divorce en Islam
Le divorce en Islam Posté le 01 juillet 2002 à 08:30:43 CEST Sujet:. Question: Comment l'Islam perçoit-il le divorce ?
Women in Islam-Marriage, Divorce, Childbirth, abortion,rights
Women in Islam-Marriage, Divorce, Childbirth, abortion,rights, politics-Marriage, Divorce, Childbirth, abortion,rights, politics-This is the best source for
MARRIAGE IN THE QURAN- Polygamy-one wife-divorce-family responsibility-children-Women in Islam-Marriage, Divorce, Childbirth, Dowry-alimony-Women in
Le divorce
Je viens de lire vos commentaires portant sur le divorce en "islam". Certes c'est la chose permise mais la plus détéstée par ALLAH mais quand on essaie tout
Droit ; Tribunal ; Rôle social ; Résolution de conflit ; Expert ; Islam ; Divorce ; Décision judiciaire ; Discrimination sexuelle ; Système judiciaire
Social Laws of Islam: Islamic Laws Regarding Divorce
Islam allows divorce if circumstances warrant or necessitate it. Islam has not made it necessary that the grounds of divorce should be publicized.
Islam and Divorce - Light of Islam
"No divorce!" But Islam more realistically faces the consequences of Islam fences in the man's power of divorce with many limiting safeguards.
Islam en questions et réponses - le divorce
4, Doit-on reconnaître la validité du divorce prononcé par le juge ? tous droits réservés au site Islam en questions et réponses© 1997-2007
la femme peut elle demandait le divorce ds l islam???
la femme peut elle demander le divorce ds l islam???
Bismillah - Islam - islam et divorce
Islam liste des forums toub@-internet islam et divorce de mon mari civilement que fait il faire pour que la religion reconnaisse notre divorce islam+divorce: divorce islam arabe | divorce et l islam | divorce islam arabe | divorce et l islam | islam+divorce