Guides : ISLAM

il premio iadl e kilombo
al premio IADL.Un’associazione musulmana tra i cui leader spicca Dacia Valent ex eurodeputata di Rifondazione , additata da molti come difensore dell’ Islam integralista. Continua
multiculturalismo e islam; coppie di fatto e omosessualità
prospettata, né nel passato (come è ovvio), né oggigiorno. Più ancora che nel cristianesimo, l?islam mette l?accento nel matrimonio sulla procreazione, e in secondo luogo sul piacere sessuale,
offerta - l'islam e l'arte musulmana. - sconto 75 %
L'Islam e l'arte musulmana.
le lesbiche palestinesi a convegno a haifa in israele. della serie: se vuoi fare la frocia l'islam
Palestinian Lesbians to Meet in HaifaA group calling themselves “Palestinian Lesbians”, but including both women from Judea & Samaria (the West Bank) and from inside Israel (the latest
difendono l'islam, umiliano la
DIFENDONO L'ISLAM, UMILIANO LA CHIESA Vi ricordate le magliette con le vignette su Maometto? La sinistra rimase sconvolta, moralemnte scioccata. Invece ieri, alla manifestazione pro DICO gli Leggi
francia: convertiti a cristo dall'islam
"Non crediate che io sia venuto a portare pace sulla terra; non sono venuto a portare pace, ma una spada. Sono venuto infatti a separare il figlio dal padre, la figlia dalla madre, la nuora Leggi
la destra e l'islam - 1° ma
La Destra e l'Islam - 1° Ma è proprio vero che Destra ed Islam siano così incompatibili, che tra di loro ci sia un'alterità incommensurabile? Vi propongo un piccolo viaggio Leggi ancora
mondadori "apre" all'islam
1453 di Tursun Bey (per la prima volta in lingua occidentale),  cui seguiranno Il Cristo dell?Islam (titolo provvisorio) di Al-Hallaj (857-922 d.C.), uno dei più alti interpreti del Sufismo, messo
quale distanza tra la destra e l'islam?
L' avvicinamento della Destra all'Islam , sia di quella in doppiopetto che non, da che cosa è dettato? Si può ascrivere ad una comunanza di interessi che rende le due realtà meno distanti?
un anno di kilombo
Un anno di Kilombo Auguri a Kilombo, che oggi compie un anno. E in un anno ha fatto passi da gigante: ha aggregato qualcosa come 400 bloggers tutti

OAKLAND COUNTY: Islam must change, Muslim activist says Detroit Free Press
A controversial speaker warned that radical Islam threatens the civilized world and must be militarily and theologically defeated before it can be reformed. Speaking in Southfield and West Bloomfield, Muslim reformer Tawfik Hamid said that Islamic extremists are threatening America and other countries.
Muslim women can reshape Islam The Christian Science Monitor via Yahoo! News
Something special went unnoticed last week when the US State Department gave out its first awards for "women of courage" to 10 foreign recipients: Seven of the women had demonstrated their honored bravery within Muslim countries.
Muslim reformer: Radical Islam must be defeated Detroit Free Press
A controversial speaker told a Southfield audience today that radical Islam threatens the civilized world and must be militarily and theologically defeated before it can be reformed.
MSU plans two-day conference on U.S. relations with Middle East, Islam The Springfield News-Leader
A two-day conference addressing the United States, Islam and the Middle East will be held April 2-3 at Missouri State University. The event is designed to discuss issues of critical nature pertaining to America's foreign policy toward the Middle East and the Islamic world. The major topics to be discussed include: Islam and the West; Muslims in the American public-square; Islam and terrorism;
Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Infidel: The Controversial Critic of Islam Retraces Her Road to Enlightenment The Village Voice
The controversial critic of Islam retraces her road to enlightenment
Muslim women can reshape Islam The Christian Science Monitor
The US honors 'women of courage' from five Muslim nations, a sign of challenges to male Islamists.
Talk on Islam under fire Detroit News
WEST BLOOMFIELD -- Tawfik Hamid says he once was a terrorist. But some local Muslims wonder whether it is true.
Lebanon: 4 in Palestinian Group Held in Bombings New York Times
The authorities said they had arrested four men in Beirut whom they described as members of Fatah al-Islam, a radical Palestinian faction, in connection with the bombing of two minibuses in the city last month that killed three people and wounded 23. Two other members of the group were being sought in the attack, on the eve of the second anniversary of the assassination of former Prime Minister
The faces of Islam at Salem State The Salem News
SALEM | Aziz El Madi, a 35-year-old native of Morocco, entered the small, windowless room at Salem State College, took off his shoes, stood on a prayer rug and faced east toward Mecca to pray.
Lebanon links Islamists to bus attacks Los Angeles Times
Officials say four members of Fatah al-Islam, a group allegedly linked to the Iraq insurgency and backed by Syria, have confessed. BEIRUT — Officials here Tuesday linked a pair of deadly bombings last month to a group they said was composed of Syria-backed Sunni Arab veterans of the Iraq insurgency. islam: islam