The End of Gonzo?
I think it's 50-50 he resigns. Seriously. His chief of staff resigned yesterday, and Chuck Schumer intimated that he obstructed justice:. “Kyle Sampson will not become the next Scooter Libby, the next fall guy,” Schumer said.
Scooter Libby Guilty Of Perjury, Obstruction
The testimony unmistakably revealed - at the highest levels of the Bush Administration - a callous disregard in handling sensitive national security information and a disposition to smear critics of the war in Iraq.
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The Festering Political Boil Needs Lancing Dick McDonald The
Scooter Libby of the media's hated opponent Republicans has been convicted by an in-house Democrat-infested DC jury for "lying" about a crime that wasn't by a criminal prosecutor that should be halled up on charges.
Stick to being a make believe DA
How hard is it to understand simple laws? For example, USC 50 Section 421. Whoever, having or having had authorized access to classified information that identifies a covert agent, intentionally discloses any information identifying
The strange case of Scooter Libby
The superficial professionalization of journalism in the last 50 years has fed such delusions. But freedom of speech and communication are basic and universal civil rights - not corporate or guild privileges of the press.
Bush Is Doing It Again–Sending More Troops To War
Even by Washington’s standards, few debates have been more fatuous or wasted more energy than the frenzied speculation over whether President Bush will or will not pardon Scooter Libby. Of course he will.
Why Scooter Lied
Fitzgerald knows it because of Title 50, Section 421, United States Code Annotated, the Protection of Certain National Security Information, or the "Identities Act." Here are the elements, the matrix. The perpetrator must:
On The Un-Indicted Co-Conspirators of Convicted Felon, Lewis
Important to note, that according to 50 USC Sec 435, the press has not violated the law by reporting the information, however the person(s) who revealed the information is/are in violation. 12 June 2003: During a telephone call,
Gagging a Hooker – To Protect the Elite?
Deborah] Palfrey, 50, was indicted last week on racketeering and money laundering charges stemming from her operation of the Pamela Martin & Associates escort service, which closed last summer after 13 years in business.

Disagree About Iraq? You're Not Just Wrong -- You're Evil. Washington Post
The conviction of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby last week gave Americans a chance to pick at the scab of what has become a favored obsession -- the debate over the motives of the Bush administration in the run-up to the war in Iraq.
Clear Libby: Bush was right, CIA sought to undermine Iraq policy World Tribune
There are generally two opinions on the verdict in the Lewis Libby case. One is that he was guilty of lying but a fall guy for higher-ups. The other is that he was a victim who deserves a presidential pardon. Another possibility is that his lawyers blew it.
Hagel Puts Off Announcement Washington Post
Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) is anything but predictable. (Read the story I filed for the Web today.) At a much-anticipated press conference this morning in Omaha billed as the definitive decision on his political future, Hagel punted. "I will make
End of Cowboy Diplomacy, Part II? Electronic Iraq
WASHINGTON (IPS) - It was just nine months ago when Newsweek spoke for the conventional wisdom at that moment when it pronounced "The End of Cowboy Diplomacy".
Various WrestleMania notes, Internet Radio interviews with Mick Foley & Alex Wright Lords of Pain
--THQ is holding their annual Wrestlemania Challenge the Thursday before WM23 at the Gem Theatre in Detroit, a very small place that holds 350. For $17.50 a ticket, you can watch 16 superstars in a tournament featuring Smackdown VS. Raw 2007 for XBOX 360. It also says on ticketmaster that you will have an opportunity for autographs.
ONLINE UPDATE: Lawsuit against Bush officials is next legal battle in CIA leak case 2:50 p.m. Las Cruces Sun-News
WASHINGTON — The CIA leak saga did not end with I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby's conviction this week. On top of his lengthy appeals, he and senior Bush administration officials face a lawsuit for their role in the exposure of a former CIA operative.
Thursday, March 8
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In an audit to be released Friday, the Justice Department's Inspector General accuses the FBI of underreporting its requests for information under the Patriot Act and being sloppy in its implementation, officials with knowledge of the report told CNN.
WASHINGTON -- Funny, isn't it? With brutal wars raging halfway around the world, with global warming upon us and killers stalking the front pages of our newspapers every day, we finally have a conviction -- gray, mild-mannered "Scooter" Libby, convicted of lying to a grand jury and FBI agents.
2-Minute T-D RedNova
IN THE NEWS JETLINER CRASHES A Garuda Indonesia Airways jet carrying 140 people burst into flames upon landing yesterday in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Many escaped the burning wreckage, but at least 21 are reported dead.
UPI NewsTrack TopNews The Washington Times
WASHINGTON, March 7 (UPI) -- A member of the Washington jury that convicted I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby said members of the panel believe Libby was set up as the administration's "fall guy."information+scooter+50: information+scooter+50