le Clinicum encyclopédie médicale d'information médicale et
Le site officiel du clinicum propose une encyclopidie midicale et para-midicale de dix volumes, iditie par civitas, congue pour faciliter l'acchs aux donnies fondamentales du savoir midical
Università IUAV di Venezia - Master primo livello "Design medicale"
nazionale e internazionale, si articola in: laboratori progettuali tematici (Pianificazione dei prodotti e design dei servizi, Progettazione di prodotti medicali, Information design medicale : de la thérapeutique et de l'information médicale
Nouvelles médicales quotidiennes, revue de presse et services gratuits pour les connectés
Artax Improvement - I nostri clienti
Applied Biosystem: Medicale : Arcadia: Information Technology : Bard: Medicale : Basf Coatings: Chimico : Colt Telecom: Telecomunicazioni : Con.S.AP. Medicale : CSI Piemonte: Information Technolog
Ophtalmologie - COCNet - Les pages professionnelles - Redirect by
Ophtalmologie - Les pages professionnelles - COCNe
Santé Web
Portail d'informations de santé, réponses aux questions par un médecin
Information Hospitalière - L'actualité médicale et hospitalière en
actualite medicale,information hospitaliere,information medicale,actualite hospitaliere,site web Le Pass-Foncier : acquisition d’une résidence principale en 2 temp
LIM : Laboratoire d'Informatique Médicale
Master Pro : Spécialité Traitement de l'Information Médicale et Hospitalière (TIMH) >> En
The Canadian Medical Protective Association
03 Mar 07 04:25:00 UTC
Transgene: 2006 Annual Results and 2007 Outlook PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Transgene S.A. announces today its achievements in operations, financial performance for 2006 and outlook for 2007.
Greater Deficits In Emotional Facial Expression Can Indicate More Severe Alcoholism Science Daily
Recognition of emotional facial expressions (EFEs) is a key form of non-verbal communication that is lacking among alcoholics. New findings show continuing EFE decoding deficits among alcoholics even after three months of abstinence. Alcoholics with the worst EFE decoding performance at initial assessment not only dropped out of treatment, but all of them later relapsed.
European approval of HIV drug darunavir will provide a potent new option with Fuzeon EurekAlert!
Basel (CH), 16 February 2007. Today's conditional marketing authorisation in the European Union of the new protease inhibitor (PI) darunavir (boosted with ritonivir) provides physicians with the opportunity to build a potent new treatment combination with the fusion inhibitor, FUZEON. The combination of FUZEON and boosted darunavir has been shown to give treatment-experienced patients a better information+medicale: departement information medicale | technicien en information medicale | departement information medicale | technicien en information medicale | information+medicale