House OKs bill on cervical cancer virus Seattle Post-Intelligencer
OLYMPIA -- The state House has voted to require that all schools in the state provide information about a ually mitted virus that can cause cervical cancer and about a vaccine to protect against it.
U.S. Faces Shortage of Cancer Doctors: Report HealthDay via Yahoo! News
TUESDAY, March 13 (HealthDay News) -- The United States will suffer a significant shortage of cancer doctors over the next two decades, coinciding with an increased need for these specialists by aging Americans, a new report warns.
FDA Approves Advanced Breast Cancer Drug Washington Post
WASHINGTON -- Women with an aggressive form of advanced breast cancer that other treatments have failed to stop gained a new option Tuesday with the approval of a novel drug _ but how much benefit it offers is unclear.
Tykerb Approved for Advanced Breast Cancer HealthDay via Yahoo! News
TUESDAY, March 13 (HealthDay News) -- GlaxoSmithKline's Tykerb (lapatinib) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat advanced breast cancer when other cancer drugs haven't succeeded, the agency said Tuesday.
Gene Discovery Sheds Light on Pancreatic Cancer iVillage Total Health
U.S. researchers have identified the gene sequence that causes a rare form of deadly pancreatic cancer. Most cases of ductal pancreatic cancer are fatal, regardless of the stage of cancer when a patient is diagnosed. However, about 5 percent of patients develop a form of ductal pancreatic cancer associated with lesions that can be detected early.
FDA OKs New Drug for Advanced Breast Cancer HealthDay via Yahoo! News
TUESDAY, March 13 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. regulators approved on Tuesday a new drug that in clinical trials delayed breast cancer progression in women no longer responding to Herceptin, a drug effective against tumors with too much of a protein called HER-2.
Trial Uses Measles to Kill Bone Marrow Cancer iVillage Total Health
U.S. researchers are launching a phase I clinical trial to test an engineered measles virus against the bone marrow cancer multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer where plasma cell tumors are spread throughout bone marrow.
Groups stress need for cancer screenings Asbury Park Press
The American Cancer Society today is launching a program in the city to reduce the incidence of cancer among residents, particularly those who are uninsured or underinsured and do not get the early screenings and help they need.
FDA OKs Drug For Advanced Breast Cancer CBS News
Women with an aggressive form of advanced breast cancer that other treatments have failed to stop have a new option after FDA approval of a novel drug. But how much benefit Tykerb offers is still unclear.
Breast cancer drug gets FDA approval Kansas City Star
WASHINGTON | Women with an aggressive form of advanced breast cancer that other treatments have failed to stop gained a new option Tuesday with the approval of a novel drug.

ACS :: Cancer Reference Information Cancer
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OncoLink, the Web's first cancer resource, provides comprehensive information on cancer treatments, cancer research advances, continuing medical education,
Senat - Missions d'information - [cancer]
Senat - Missions d'information - [cancer] - Les 6 commissions permanentes, leurs missions d'information et groupes d'étude, commissions d'enquête,
Prévention cancer du sein - Rendez-vous Santé Plus
Informations sur Rendez-vous Santé +, programme de prévention du cancer du sein mis en place sous l’impulsion du ministère de la Santé, avec l'Assurance
Rendez-vous Santé Plus
Un cancer du sein détecté tôt est généralement plus facile à traiter et l’on Rendez-Vous Santé + | Dépistage cancer sein | Information cancer du sein
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