Lost love found married
I had special feelings for this guy during my college days but the relationship just went off unsaid.we met after many years to realise that we shared the same feelings till date.but the situations were i was a divorcee with a kid and
People and relationships
It's almost second nature for us to want to support and help, but sometimes, we can't. Sometimes people need more than we are able to give, and instead of recognizing that, we get heavily involved only to fail later.
What do I do?
I am very confused and I guess this is the first time I am taking help of a site to get peace in my life. I have been in a relationship for the past 6 years with a guy called A. For one year we drifted away because there was no sense of
The thing is is that I’m engaged and very much in love with my
kids. i find myself looking around to see if he’s near me and when he is i have butterflies, but the thing is is that I’m engaged and very much in love with my fiancé i just cant help thinking about this guy how do i stop?
AACC Exclusive: Anxiety and Fear Self-help
or having conflict in a relationship. Anxiety ● Anxiety is a constant fearful state, accompanied by a feeling of unrest, dread, or worry in which the person may not be aware of what is creating the feeling of fear.
Google to Help Indian Authorities Nab Online Haters, Indian Paper
Google is dedicated to improving lines of communication with police in Mumbai so they can have a better relationship but says that users' rights are protected at every step of the way. But, the question of whether Google should be
To Rock or Not To Rock
I bet you can come up with your own customer rocking examples that have earned your loyalty. What about your own organization? How do you nurture your customer relationships? Do customers rock, or do they not – and how do you
Do you need therapy?
By seeing each person separately the therapist may be able to help clients to talk more openly about their feelings and experiences within the relationship. Their desires and fantasies are also explored. Several sessions with each
On coaching and counselling
story and how that information is worked with in the coaching relationship. There are times when it is helpful to know more about family of origin – it may help to understand a dynamic being played out in organisational contexts.
Judging People by the Way They Look
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Mental Help Net - Relationship Problems
This topic center concerns marriage and marriage-like relationship problems. Our aim here is to educate the Mental Help Net Terms of Use/Privacy Policy
This site is dedicated to helping couples improve their relationships by providing information, education workshops, seminars and an online, Single, Relationship, Marriage Advice, Help, Coaching
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APA Help Center - Family & Relationships
Articles provided by the American Psychological Association are a source for handling the social issues facing today's families, maintaining healthy and
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Value based relationship advice & help assisting individuals in self-examination followed by relationship progression.
BBC - Relationships
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