What George Bush Has Done to Iraq
UNESCO is also envisaging to offer financial help to widows of academics thus encouraging others to not abandon their jobs as lecturers. Something they do, from fear of leaving a family behind in need- should they be targeted and
Stephanie Mastini: 'We will set up abuse charity'
Most importantly, I want my art to speak to the world, and utilize funds to give victims the confidence and financial help they need so that they can move past and get on with their lives. I will be painting and creating all the time,
RP’s Progressive Groups Appeal To Yanks For Help
also sounded the call for the US Congress to stop supporting the Philippine government with financial aids as it continues to show its inutility in solving the killings of militant leaders and members, students and journalists now
One of the Yogya crash fatalities was award-winning journalist Morgan Mellish from the Australian Financial Review, one of those seriously injured is Cynthia Banham of the Sydney Morning Herald. Both were based in Jakarta.
links for 2007-03-13
(tags: blogs VCs). Don Dodge on The Next Big Thing: Reuters will launch a MySpace like community for financial people. I would love an entree to Reuters. Can my network help? Seems like everything Reuters is doing at the moment is cool.
1st Helicopter Drop Now Being Organized
The government needs to provide at- risk homeowners "forbearance or something like that to give them a chance to work through and get a new financial instrument here that they can manage financially better," Dodd said.
Sibel Edmonds: Help me put Perle and Feith in jail
If people want to get involved and help push for this to happen with your case, how can they do that? Edmonds: The best thing they can do, and the time to do it is right now because we just released this petition, they were just served
Casey Serin Facing Foreclosure on Wikipedia - a Defense
Serin has been referred to as the “pied piper of financial ruin”, and his plans for remedying his debt have many readers wondering if he is being overly optimistic, or if he is in denial over the gravity of his financial situation.
My thoughts on enthusiast evangelism at Microsoft
And from a financial perspective they are--right now. But there are some leading indicators that we do pay attention to and it's very true that at a conference like SxSW or that at meetup events like Barcamp and Refresh that one sees
Your Distro's Slow March Into Irrelevance
As stated, I am far from an expert on world financial affairs, I can barely keep the company books but I do know the three market forces that come to bear upon something most of us have an interest in:

City attorney wants Chargers to help city with financial shortfall San Diego Daily Transcript via Yahoo! News
San Diego City Attorney Michael Aguirre wants the San Diego Chargers to "help the city out," possibly by renegotiating their Qualcomm Stadium lease or by making the city's bond payment.
Free Tax Help Available Now R News
If you need help preparing your tax return, there are opportunities to get that help free of charge. Seniors, especially, are encouraged to take advantage of this free service through Rural Opportunities, even if you think your income is too low for you to benefit.
HSA for America Partners with Financial Advisors to Offer Health Savings Accounts PR Web
HSA for America today announced a new affiliate partnership program for CPAs and other financial advisors to help their clients reduce their taxes. Under this program, financial advisors can offer instant quotes directly from their own website on health insurance plans that work with health savings accounts. (PRWeb Mar 14, 2007) Post Comment:Trackback URL:
HSA for America Partners with Financial Advisors to Offer Health Savings Accounts PRWeb via Yahoo! News
HSA for America today announced a new affiliate partnership program for CPAs and other financial advisors to help their clients reduce their taxes. Under this program, financial advisors can offer instant quotes directly from their own website on health insurance plans that work with health savings accounts.
Monster Ties Up With Help-Wanted Service Washington Post
NEW YORK -- Monster Worldwide Inc., a leading job-search Web site, is taking its latest step to forge partnerships with traditional media by linking with a technology company that runs the online help-wanted sites for more than 200 newspapers.
Some Hospital Help For UConn Hartford Courant
$10.5 Million Aid Package Would Avert Vote On $495 Million Proposal The University of Connecticut's bid for a controversial new $500 million hospital won't happen this year, but the school's health center would gain a measure of financial relief under an agreement approved Tuesday by a key legislative committee.
iVillage: Tips to help stepmoms get closer to kids MSNBC
Marriage is hard, yet rewarding. It takes a lot of work to maintain a good marriage. Adding children into the equation adds even more complexity and can make it more stressful. And when the children are his and you are their stepmother, you now you have a real tightrope to walk.
Argentine Jews must depend on outside help to survive financially JTA
"Every day, there are new Jewish poor in Argentina," says one economist. Argentine Jews, hit hard by their country´s economic crisis, rely on financial aid from Jews in other countries.
CKSD’s financial future looks grim Central Kitsap Reporter
The Central Kitsap School District’s 2007-08 budget is covered in red and it could get worse. An issue that many school districts across the state have in common, CKSD is facing unprecedented financial challenges as expenditures continue to surpass annual revenues.
Report: University Needs More Financial Support, Minorities The Morning News
LITTLE ROCK -- The University of Arkansas will need increased financial support and higher minority enrollment if it is to meet its goals for 2010, according to a report released financial+help+now